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For Schools

For Schools


Press Release

July 25, 2024 - Child Nutrition Programs (CNP) Bulletin No. 5 - Michigan School Meals Program - School Year 2024-2025




Communication Resources for CEP Districts/Schools

Districts/Schools that are CEP and participating in the Michigan School Meals program still need to distribute and collect Education Benefits forms. Without this information, your district/school could lose important state funding for educational programs that your students are entitled to. These resources are to help with communicating to families why forms are still necessary.

Communication Resources for Traditional Claim (Non CEP) Districts/Schools

Districts/Schools that are traditional free, reduced, and paid claiming and participate in the Michigan School Meals program still need to distribute and collect school meals applications. While meals are free to students, an eligibility determination is still required for traditional claiming schools through direct certification, an application, or other categorical eligibility. Meals should be counted at the point of service and claimed in the claiming system as free, reduced, and paid.

Without this information, your district/school could lose important state funding for educational programs that your students are entitled to. These resources are to help with communicating to families why applications are still necessary.

Student Eligibility

MDE modified the SY 2024-2025 Education and Nutrition Benefits application for the Michigan School Meals Program. The resources below may be used for schools that have not yet printed materials, or plan to print additional applications this year. Schools that have already printed and distributed the SY 2024-2025 Education and Nutrition Benefits application may still use those for student eligibility determinations. The materials are available under Resources on the Education and Nutrition Benefits webpage.

Education and Nutrition Benefits 

Michigan School Meals Toolkit

Use these materials to encourage families to eat Michigan School Meals.  Share on social media, in your email newsletters, in schools or at meetings.

Michigan School Meals Newsletter

Michigan School Meals Flyer

Michigan School Meals Overview Slide

Social Post


Best Practices When Serving More School Meals

Pre-K School Meals Frequently Asked Questions

Michigan School Meals Information for School Staff

Michigan School Meals Information for Families Packet - Application Version

Michigan School Meals Information for Families Packet - Form

Michigan School Meals Application User Guide

Michigan School Meals Comparison Chart

2023-2024 Reimbursement Chart

Michigan School Meals Logo

Accounting/Coding for Michigan School Meals (30d state funding)

How Michigan School Meals Program Payments Work

Claims and Payments


Negative Balances

30d Negative Balance Write Off Information

31k Funding for Student Negative Balance Forgiveness Grant Information 

30d 31k Comparison Chart