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Child Nutrition Programs Training Calendar

How to Access the Michigan Nutrition Training Calendar

Training and Event Information Request

MDE Staff Training Request


SFSP Annual Training

All sponsors are required to attend an in-person training if they plan to participate in SFSP once every three years. 

SFSP Online Training

The SFSP training has been developed and an online resource to train SFSP sponsors and site staff on how to operate the SFSP. This training cannot replace the required SFSP training that sponsors must attend in person once every three years without prior approval from MDE. 

Summer Food Service Program Training


SFSP Training Resources

Operating the SFSP

Food Safety


Civil Rights  


Meal Pattern

Offer Vs Serve

Program Costs 

  • Allowable and Unallowable Costs - This MDE resource provides an overview of allowable and unallowable costs to assist sponsors in determining if costs are allowable under Federal cost principles. 
  • MDE SFSP Adult Pricing Worksheet 2024 - The SFSP Adult Pricing Worksheet must be completed annually to properly set non-Program adult meal pricing for the upcoming summer.