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General CTE Supplemental and Remote Materials


General CTE Resources

Below is a list of general CTE supplemental and remote resources. If you are interested in specific resources, per Career Cluster, please visit the main CTE Instructional Resources webpage and click on "Instructional Resources, by Career Cluster" then select your Career Cluster (for example, Agriculture, Heath Sciences, Business, etc.). If you have a suggestion for a resource you would like added, please forward that information to the appropriate CTE Consultant.

*please note this list is not exhaustive – it is a small compilation of suggestions as to where to access supplemental CTE materials


Site/Contact Information

The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) has compiled an extensive of online learning resources, many are of no cost.

ACTE Online Resources

GoOpen Michigan is a library of open education resources. Join a network of Michigan educators who are dedicated to using high quality, openly-licensed educational resources.

Zoom has made their online conferencing platform free of restrictions during the COVID-19 crisis.


Everfi provides free resources and online course modules, complete with pre- and post-assessments, around a variety of topics. Everfi also hosted a webinar on best practices for supporting remote learning on Monday, March 16th at 5pm ET.? You can view the recorded webinar and additional resources at


Catch Health has set up a Google Classroom to provide free and easy access to several of CATCH’s evidence-based health, nutrition, and physical education materials. These activities require limited space and supervision, and are organized into three sections: Physical Activities, Activity Breaks and Family Health and Nutrition.


CTE Online is free for anyone to join, provided by the California Department of Education.

NOCTI has many online resources for teachers, including Talking Safety, Fundamentals of Project Management, Today’s Class Online Curriculum, NOCTI National Industry Standards and Competencies, and CTE Webinars.

NOCTI Teachers Corner

Google has compiled a list called Teach From Home to help instructors.


eDynamicLearning provides online CTE courses that are aligned to national standards and major certification exams. All courses are WCAG 2.0 AA compliant for students with disabilities. For the remainder of the school year and summer, eDynamicLearning is offering the use of courses at no charge for districts that continue with them in the 2020-21 school year. For more information, contact Al Gauche at or call 734.478.6812.

GoReact is providing completely free access to their platform through June 30th. Current users can expand their usage, as needed, without any additional cost. Those that aren’t already utilizing GoReact, can use the platform in all the areas that might be helpful over the next few months without any cost or obligation. GoReact can give field observers the ability to do their observational work 100% remotely, while still providing high quality, and highly contextual feedback. It can also be used for self-reflection and peer review, and can also be a tool for practicing the skills that students are learning in Methods classes. If you’d like to get free access to GoReact for the remainder of the semester, please email Dave Greene at

Comprehensive Care Network has compiled a multitude of resources and tools that have been developed by government organizations, federal grantees, and public entities to help policymakers, educational leaders and teachers, and families and parents understand how to make this transition to remote learning as seamless as possible.

This framework communicates SkillsUSA’s definition of the career-ready individual. Within it, 17 Essential Elements are divided among three components: personal skills, workplace skills, and technical skills grounded in academics. This curriculum is designed with the best practices of project-based learning.

PBLWorks is offering free online professional development webinars for teachers. All webinars are presented in Zoom, offered in a choice of multiple time slots, and will have recordings available. Topics include supporting and facilitating online learning, adapting projects for online learning situations, and creating equity.

Proctor U allows for online exam proctoring.

SafetySkills offers online safety training on a wide variety of topics.

Resources for teaching CTE during the pandemic. Access curated lessons and activities by career theme and topic and live events for students and educators from NAF.

NAF’s College and Career Readiness Index (CCRI) resources are designed and intended to provide students, regardless of career pathway, the strategies and skills for successful entry into college and career.

These resources are student-centered, self-directed, and future-focused and integrate a variety of research projects and activities on the Work-Based Learning Continuum of Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation. There are also rubrics included (where applicable) so students and teachers can gauge student aptitude as they prepare for the future. Students can also save their research and responses to build on their college and career portfolios, making these resources beneficial for years to come.