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Career Readiness Initiative Key Objectives

Michigan’s Top 10 Strategic Education Plan

Principals, Goals and Metrics in Alignment with CRI Objectives

VISION: Every learner in Michigan’s public schools will have an inspiring, engaging, and caring learning environment that fosters creative and critical thinkers who believe in their ability to positively influence Michigan and the world beyond.

Guiding Principle #1: All students have aTop 10 logoccess to high-quality instruction regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, economic status, native language, or physical, emotional, and cognitive abilities to close the student achievement and opportunity gaps that currently exist.

Guiding Principle #2: All educators are encouraged to be creative and innovative. All educators are adequately compensated and respected for their professionalism, and have the resources, support, and training needed to educate students.

Guiding Principle #3: All students are encouraged to express their creativity, have voice in their own learning, feel connected to their schools, and have authentic, meaningful relationships with educators.

Guiding Principle #4: All students are provided every opportunity to achieve the broadest range of life dreams.

Guiding Principle #5: Families and communities are essential partners of teachers, support staff, and administrators in the education of students.

Guiding Principle #6: In support of students and their achievement, the Michigan Department of Education is coordinated, aligned, and properly resourced, and collaborates with school districts and a wide range of partners and stakeholders.

Career Readiness Initiative Key Objectives

The Career Readiness Initiative (CRI) works to achieve four key objectives that are in alignment with Michigan’s Top 10 Strategic Education Plan.

Objective #1: Ensure all students, and especially underserved populations, have meaningful access to high-quality career pathways, and that a commitment to equity is embedded in all efforts to improve career preparation.

Analyze all relevant state and local data to identify and then address any disparities or inequities in access to career preparation methods for any subpopulations of students (by race, gender, language, income, disability).

Remove barriers to access, including obvious barriers (availability and proximity), and hidden ones (inclusion and outreach) so that students interested in career pathways can enroll.

Design recruitment efforts for participation in career pathway and other career-related activities to reach all students and create support systems for those with barriers.

Develop a long-term monitoring process to protect against future inequity.

Objective #2: Forge well-designed linkages between secondary and postsecondary education and training for all career pathways.

Engage critical stakeholders from the two realms of secondary education and postsecondary options, especially institutions of higher education and employers, to develop needed linkages.

Counsel all students about the multiple options from which to choose for postsecondary education and training, provide guidance and support to students as they create a personalized plan for the best postsecondary option, based on their skills and interests.

Objective #3: Integrate all relevant funding sources, including federal, state, local and private sources, to sustain and scale up career preparation.

Use the flexibilities in all relevant federal funding, especially Perkins V, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This will allow state education agencies (SEAs) and local education agencies (LEAs), in partnership with workforce agencies, to blend these resources for scaled-up career readiness activities.

Create well-funded state-level infrastructures to staff and guide the work.

Generate comprehensive methods of funding, including per pupil funding to be embedded in standard funding mechanisms for LEAs, to offer long-term, reliable resources that incentivize local participation.

Goals and Metrics

  1. Expand secondary learning opportunities for all students:
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
  • Number and percent of students enrolled in CTE programs based on overall student population
  • Number and percent of CTE completers based on students enrolled in CTE programs
  • Number and percent of CTE students who received a:
    • High school diploma
    • Credential Advanced Placement (AP)
  • Number and percent of students enrolled compared to the total population
  • Number and percent of:
    • Tests taken
    • Students earning credit from AP tests International

Baccalaureate (IB)

Number of students enrolled

Number of students earning credit from IB tests

Early Middle College (EMC)

  • Number and percent of students enrolled in an EMC program
  • Number and percent of students who successfully obtained their high school diploma and/or earned at least one of the following EMC outcomes: 60 transferable college credits, associate degree, professional certification, Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA) certificate, or acceptance into a registered apprenticeship.
  • Number and percent of students who enrolled in an EMC program, did not complete the program, and exited the program to attend college or some other postsecondary education or training.

Dual Enrollment

  • Number of students enrolled
  • Average college credits earned during high school collect/report, as available, for all students and all groups of students (gender, race/ethnicity, students with disabilities/students without disabilities, economically disadvantaged/noneconomically disadvantaged, English learners/non-English learners)
  • Number and percent of youth ages 16 and above with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that meet the necessary federal reporting requirements.

2.  Increase the percentage of all students who graduate from high school

  • 4-, 5-, and 6-year graduation rates
  • Collect/report, as available, for all students and all groups of students (gender, race/ethnicity, students with disabilities/students without disabilities, economically disadvantaged/noneconomically disadvantaged, English learners/non-English learners)

3.  Increase the percentage of adults with a postsecondary credential

  • Number of adults with a certificate or degree (post-secondary credential)

4.  Provide adequate and equitable school funding

More about the Career Readiness Initiative

Population Served

The work of the Career Readiness Initiative targets students enrolled in Michigan Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and Public School Academies (PSAs) in grades P-20, in collaboration with K-12 education, business and industry and postsecondary education partners.

Expected Outcomes

The Career Readiness Initiative is a multi-year effort to transform Michigan’s career readiness system. The Career Readiness Cross-Sector Team is a Michigan Department of Education (MDE) effort to enlist educators and employers to help in transforming Michigan’s Education System so Michigan’s graduates are ready for advanced training, work, and lifelong learning.

Career Readiness Cross-Sector Team

The Career Readiness Cross-Sector Team is an MDE strategy to engage stakeholders in ACTION to transform Michigan’s Career Preparation System and achieve the career readiness goals identified in Michigan’s Top 10 Strategic Education Plan. These long-term goals reflect and align to the recommendations set forth in the Study of Michigan’s Career and Technical Education and Career Readiness System (May 2016), the Governor’s Talent Investment Board resolution (Sept. 2016), the Governor’s 21st Century Education Commission (Feb. 2017), the Michigan Career Pathways Alliance recommendations (June 2017), and The Marshall Plan (Feb. 2018). The Career Readiness Cross-Sector Team is part of MDE’s participation in the Career Readiness Network (CRN)—a Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) initiative to support states in improving career readiness. The Career Readiness Cross-Sector Team includes representatives from employers, employer organizations, organizations representing K-12 and postsecondary educational institutions, and state agencies.