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Student Supports and Accommodations Webinar Links & PowerPoints

Webinar Name PowerPoint Recorded Webinar
Students with Hearing Impairments Hearing Impairments PowerPoint Hearing Impairments Webinar
Students with Visual Impairments Visual Impairments PowerPoint Visual Impairments Webinar
Supports for English Learners English Learners PowerPoint

English Learners Podcast

Due to technical difficulties, we are not able to provide the full video from the November 14,,2016 English Learner Student Supports Webinar at this time. However, we were able to capture the audio portion of the webinar, which has been converted to a Podcast for your listening convenience. The Podcast accompanies the English Learner Student Supports PowerPoint, and should be played at the same time the PowerPoint is viewed. A transcript of the Podcast will be posted soon.

Read Aloud and Text-to-Speech Read Aloud and Text-to-Speech Powerpoint Read Aloud and Text-to-Speech Webinar