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Brownfield Redevelopment

The new Accident Fund Headquarters Building, formerly the Lansing Board of Water and Light Power Station
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Brownfield Redevelopment

EGLE’s Brownfield Program collaborates within communities to create economic opportunities by putting contaminated properties back into productive use while protecting human health and the environment.

The safe reuse of previously developed and contaminated properties helps to address contamination in the environment, minimize urban sprawl, and revitalize communities through investment, increased tax base, and job creation.

The program provides technical guidance and financial incentives to evaluate and mitigate environmental risks, relying on scientific data to ensure the best long-term outcomes and stewardship of tax dollars.

Grants and Loans

We provide grants and low-interest loans to communities, year-round, to facilitate the redevelopment of contaminated properties. We also provide information on grants and loans previously awarded.

View the Brownfield Grant and Loan Fact Sheet.

Learn more about our grants and loans opportunities

Act 381 Tax Increment Financing

Act 381 authorizes Brownfield Redevelopment Authorities to recommend approval of local Brownfield Plans and submit work plans for approval to the state that help revitalize, redevelop, and reuse contaminated, blighted, functionally obsolete, or historic resources.

View the Act 381 Tax Increment Financing Fact Sheet.

Learn more about Act 381 Tax Increment Financing

Brownfield Site Assessments

We offer environmental assessments at no cost to facilitate brownfield redevelopment with the assistance of funding provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of Michigan.

Our Brownfield Site Assessment (BSA) program provides a wide range of environmental assessments to support both project needs and community development goals.

View the BSA Fact Sheet.

Learn more about our free Brownfield Site Assessments
Preview of the interactive RenewMI map
Preview of the interactive RenewMI map

RenewMI project viewer

Learn about past and present remediation projects, including sites where EGLE is directly overseeing remediation efforts and sites where a brownfield grant and/or loan have been provided to incentivize economic development

Transforming property into purpose: Brownfield Flip video series

Brownfields: we've all seen them. The abandoned gas station on the corner, the vacant contaminated industrial site... this video series is about the partnerships that make brownfield redevelopment possible. This... is Brownfield Flip.

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