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Materials Management in Michigan


Carlie Money

EGLE is focused on reducing the impacts of material choices on our natural resources, the environment, and climate by establishing convenient, inclusive access to recycling, organics management, waste reduction opportunities, and adequate disposal options.

EGLE is helping communities keep materials out of landfills and finding the highest and best use for them.

Materials management includes managing recyclables, organics, tires, wood, concrete, and other materials traditionally considered trash and landfilled. The resources below are part of EGLE's effort to help communities, residents, businesses, and materials management professionals connect and work towards meeting our goals of increasing material management opportunities across Michigan and achieving carbon neutrality in 2050.




 The EGLE Sustainable Materials Management hierarchy prioritizes actions we can all take to prevent and divert unwanted materials from being landfilled. Each level in the hierarchy focuses on different management strategies for recovering value from unwanted materials. The top levels share the preferred ways to mange materials sustainably. The uses towards the top of the hierarchy provides the most benefits for the environment, society, and the economy, while the bottom levels represent the least beneficial options.

Preview of the Materials Management facilities map
Preview of the Materials Management facilities map

Michigan Materials Management Facilities web map

In addition to ensuring that waste disposal practices are protective of the public and environment, we promote a systematic approach to using/reusing resources productively and sustainably throughout their life cycles, from the point of resource extraction through material recycling or final disposal. Materials management includes managing recyclables, organics, tires, wood, concrete, and other materials traditionally considered trash and landfilled.

Launch web map

View the interactive map to explore materials management facilities.

Access data

The data used in this map is available to download and to view as a table.

Maps and data portal

Find all of EGLE's web maps and open data centralized to one location.

Materials Management is made up of many components and programs. These programs work together to bring Michigan forward in creating a more comprehensive materials management system.

Recycling Grants

Check out the latest EGLE Materials Management grants.

Materials Management Facilities

Information on Materials Management Facilities included what types of facilities are included and reporting requirements.


Developing Public-Private Partnerships to grow Michigan's recycled materials markets.

Materials Management Planning

Solid waste management plans are required for each county in Michigan. Updating these plans will help counties work collaboratively to set goals, increase recycling, composting, and other sustainable practices.

Materials Management Division

For more Materials Management Division (MMD) program information, visit the division's webpage.

Food Waste and Recovery

Check out the latest information on Food Waste and Recovery in Michigan.


Composting is good for the environment by reducing landfill waste, greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing carbon in the atmosphere.  The Compost Program has information and resources for all composters, from backyard setups to large commercial facilities, and anything in-between.


Household Hazardous Waste

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Resources for residents.

Re-TRAC Authorizations Program

Materials Management facilities regulated under statute are required to create accounts and report through our online platform, Re-TRAC Connect.

Data Collection

EGLE is working with Resource Recycling Systems to collect information on the status of materials management across Michigan known as the Mega Data Project. This will identify a baseline for current materials management practices and assist in the development of future materials management plans.

Catalyst Communities

This initiative provides education, training, planning and technical resources to local public officials.

Michigan Recycling Directory

Recycling Directory for residents.

Recycled Materials Market Directory

Recycling Directory for businesses.

Recycling Reporting

Recycling establishments required to report through Part 175 register and report through Re-TRAC Connect.

Solid Waste Alternatives Program

The Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP) was created to deliver grants and loans to public and private entities to develop and maintain projects that diverted or assisted in diverting solid waste from Michigan sanitary landfills and incinerators. The goals of SWAP funded projects were to benefit the environment, provide jobs, save energy, and decrease Michigan’s dependence on landfilling materials.