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Radiological protection

Our radiological protection programs monitor environmental radioactive material sources to assure protection of the public from unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation.

These duties are carried out by four separate programs that include radioactive materials, Michigan indoor radon, environmental monitoring & reporting, and radiological emergency preparedness.

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Radon Periodic Table with Magnifying Glass

Indoor radon

A non-regulatory program, it's purpose is to increase awareness of the health risk associated with exposure to elevated indoor radon levels and to encourage testing and action
A yellow sign on a chain link fence warning of radioactive materials in the area

Radioactive materials

The radioactive materials program is responsible for the naturally occurring radioactive material found in the oil, gas, brine, chemical, and water treatment industries

Two tall chimneys of a nuclear power plant against a blue sky

Radiological emergency preparedness

The radiological emergency preparedness program provides response capabilities to radiological accidents or emergencies at any of Michigan's commercial nuclear power plants

Response Review Panel Document Sign

Radiological monitoring and reporting

The environmental monitoring program is responsible for the environmental monitoring network around each of Michigan's nuclear power plant sites

Technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material

Low-level Radioactive Waste Authority

The Low-level Radioactive Waste Authority was created in 1987 to fulfill state responsibilities under federal law for managing and assuring disposal capacity for the low-level radioactive waste produced in Michigan


T.R. Wentworth at