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Appendix A: Acronyms

AST: Aboveground Storage Tank

CH4: Methane

CO2: Carbon Dioxide

CO: Carbon Monoxide

CSM: Conceptual Site Model

CVOC: Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compound

ft: Feet

GWNIC: Groundwater Not in Contact

HVAC: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

IC: Institutional Control

LIZ: Lateral Inclusion Zone

MGP: Manufactured Gas Plant

NAPL: Nonaqueous Phase Liquids

O2: Oxygen

PHC: Petroleum Hydrocarbon

PID: Photo Ionization Detector

PVI: Petroleum Vapor Intrusion

MSSL: Media-specific volatilization to indoor air interim action screening level

µg/kg: micrograms per kilogram

RIASL: Indoor air Recommended Interim Action Screening Level

TSG: EGLE’s Toxics Steering Group

TS-RIASL: Time Sensitive Recommended Interim Action Screening Level

TS MSSL: Time-sensitive media-specific volatilization to indoor air interim action screening levels

UST: Underground Storage Tank 

VI: Vapor Intrusion

VIAC: Volatilization to Indoor Air Criterion

VIAP: Volatilization to Indoor Air Pathway

VOC: Volatile Organic Compound

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