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November 2003
Subject Matter
Date Issued
Case Number
Macomb Community College Faculty Organization -and- John C. Bonnell |
Unfair Labor Practice Not Found: No Breach of Duty of Fair Representation; No Adverse Action Taken Against Employee When Union Never Compelled Member to Pay Full Union Dues During Period of Disciplinary Suspension; No Discernible Impact on Employment Relationship; Union Dues and Method of Calculation Are Internal Union Matters; No Evidence That Union Acted Arbitrarily, Discriminatorily, or in Bad Faith, or that Union Deviated From Past Practice Regarding Calculation of Dues. |
(20 day order) |
CU02 B-007 |
Macomb County -and- Marvin M. Zimmer |
Unfair Labor Practice Not Found: Employer Properly Refused to Bargain With Union Member Individually; Union Employee Compensation is Determined by Collective Bargaining Agreement and may Differ From Compensation for Non-Union Employees.
(20 day order) |
C03 B-025 |
Detroit Public Schools -and- Organization of School Administrators and Supervisors |
Unfair Labor Practice Found: Employer Unlawfully Discriminated Against Employee For Engaging in Protected Activity of Complaining About Alleged Contract Violations; by Removal of Employee's Title and Job Duties, Requiring Employee to Perform New Duties, Unusually Scrutinizing Employee's Work, Docking Her Pay, and Assigning Her Fixed Working Hours; Employer Demonstrated Hostility Toward Employee's Protected Conduct and Did Not Provide Sufficient Anti-Discriminatory Motive For Conduct; Adverse Inference Drawn For Failure to Call Witness Assumed to Be Favorable; Timing of Employer Action in Relation to Protected Activity Considered. Unfair Labor Practice Not Found: Employer Did Not Discriminate Against Employee By Reassigning Office Space or Refusing to Provide Work Phone When Legitimate Reason Demonstrated and No Evidence of Disparate Treatment Presented. |
(20 day order) |
C02 C-056 |
City of Grand Rapids -and- Grand Rapids Employees Independent Union |
Unfair Labor Practice Not Found: No Evidence Employer Bargained in Bad Faith by Withdrawing its Proposal and Refusing to Accept Union's Proposal; Union Was Aware That Employer Proposal Was No Longer Viable And That Acceptance of Union Proposal Was Conditioned on Reaching Agreement on Entire Contract. |
(20 day order) |
C02 C-073 |
Buena Vista Schools -and- Buena Vista Education Association, MEA/NEA |
Unfair Labor Practice Not Found: Where There Was No Meeting of the Minds, Employer Not Required to Implement Disputed Provision |
11/18/03 |
C02 B-050 |
Meridian Charter Township -and- Teamsters Local 214 |
Petition For Certification Denied: Employees Who Possess Routine Responsibility to Direct or Assign Work With no Other Indicia of Supervisory Authority Are Not Supervisors and not eligible for inclusion in supervisory unit |
11/18/03 |
UC01 L-041 |
City of Adrian -and- American Federal of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Michigan Council 25, AFL-CIO |
Direction of Election; Non-Supervisory Bargaining Unit Must Include Library Assistant III Position; Library Assistant III Position's Limited Authority To Direct Daily Work Of Other Employees And Make Routine Work Assignments Is Insufficient To Establish Supervisory Authority; Position Is Not Supervisory Where Position Lacks Authority To Responsibly Direct Other Employees, To Hire, To Formally Discipline Or To Effectively Recommend Such Action. |
11/17/03 |
R03 A-05 |
Atlas Township -and- Michigan Association of Fire Fighters -and- Steve Bullen | Decertification Petition Barred; Timely Act 312 Petition Bars Decertification Petition Where Employees Had Time, but Failed, to File for Decertification Between Expiration of Certification Year and Filing of Act 312 Petition |
R03 E-86 |
Michigan State Government This page last updated 01/22/04 |