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Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs)

Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) represent one powerful way to quantify the learning of individual students over one or more years. Conceptually, SGPs communicate the degree to which a student has learned in a particular domain, compared to a group of academic peers who had a comparable score on the previous test (or multiple previous tests) in that subject. In order to calculate SGPs, students are grouped with academic peers throughout the state who had comparable score patterns on past tests. Students in each academic peer group are then ordered based on their score on the current year test. Each student then receives a percentile rank, compared to their academic peers. Like other percentile scores, SGPs range from 1-99, where a SGP of 50 indicates that the student demonstrated growth in the content area equal or greater to half of the students with comparable score histories on that subject-matter test.

What Is a Student Growth Percentile Thumbnail

What is a Student Growth Percentile?

This document provides an overview of student growth percentiles.



Student Growth Percentile Policy Brief Thumbnail

Student Growth Percentile Policy Brief

This document provides a policy brief for Student Growth Percentiles in Michigan.


Information on Student Growth Percentiles Use in Michigan

Where can Student Growth reports using SGPs be viewed?

Public and schools can access student growth reports on

Schools can securely access student growth reports in the dynamic reports section of the Secure Site at

How are SGPs used in school accountability?

Student Growth Percentiles are used in combination with Adequate Growth Percentiles to make school-level growth determinations in the School Index system. More information on the School Index system can be found at


Additional Student Growth Percentiles Information and Resources

Videos that provide information about Student Growth Percentiles:

For more information on how SGPs could be used in evaluation, please contact

For information on how SGPs are used in Michigan's school accountability systems, please contact