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Instructional Resources

Stakeholders in education throughout the United States have voiced a concern about the amount of testing that is placed upon students.  District leaders should take the opportunity to communicate with stakeholders the types of assessments and the appropriate use of each type that is given to students.    

This assessment inventory is a tool to assist districts with understanding the assessments given, the reason for the assessments, and data provided after administering the assessment.  Districts may use this tool to help refine district level testing, to fill in gaps where assessment may be needed, and to communicate with stakeholders.  The intent of this tool is to help district leaders with developing a balanced assessment system using high quality assessments that show where all students' strengths exist.  


The purpose of this resource from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is to:

  • Build background knowledge on a balanced assessment system, 
  • Provide definitions on various assessment types, 
  • Provide information on appropriate assessment use, 
  • Provide a resource that districts can use in order to better understand assessments given to students and the reason for which it is given.

For more in-depth information on any of these topics, please follow the embedded links on this webpage or contact John Jaquith in the Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability, Michigan Department of Education, at

Further assessment information can be located at the following links:

Balanced Assessment Systems

Information regarding various types of Assessment

District Assessment Inventory Tool

Resources and References

Additional information on Balanced Assessments, Assessment Inventories, and Assessment Literacy can be found on our Resources and References page.  Interested educators are encouraged to follow these links in order to build a deeper understanding.  Also, those interested in supports and communication from Michigan Department of Education should contact John Jaquith at