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Postings and Assurances Documents for District-Use

Each school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy must post on its public website the following information about the evaluation tool(s) in use for evaluation of teachers and administrators:

  • Research base for the evaluation framework, instrument, and process
  • Identity and qualifications of the author
  • Evidence of reliability, validity, and efficacy
  • Evaluation framework and rubric
  • Description of processes for conducting observations, collecting evidence conducting evaluation conferences, developing performance ratings, and developing performance improvement plans
  • Description of the plan for providing evaluators and observers with training

Districts should place their respective posting and assurances documents under their transparency mitten. Districts must use the new Budget Transparency Logo listed below and all documents containing the previous logo must be replaced with the new logo.


                                                                               transparency icon


State-Approved Tools: Postings and Assurances Documents for District Use

In an effort to provide you with as much support and as many resources as possible, as well as minimize action on the part of districts, the Office of Educator Talent has worked directly with vendors to offer postings and assurances documents for each of our state-approved evaluation tools. Districts can utilize these links to meet website requirements laid out in the aforementioned legislation.

The MDE does not promote any particular tool or vendor but has worked to provide this resource in consideration of legislative requirements.

State-approved Teacher Evaluation Tools

State-approved Administrator Evaluation Tools

*To access this document click on the red posting and assurances button.

District-Approved Tools: Postings and Assurances Documents for District Use

The Office of Educator Excellence (OEE) has created postings and assurances document templates for districts utilizing district-approved tools. These templates are not mandatory, yet are a resource that districts can choose to use (or not use). Regardless of the template used, districts must meet website requirements laid out in the aforementioned legislation.

Note: A district-approved tool is any tool not on the state-approved evaluation tool list. This includes modified state-approved tools. If a district is using a modified state-approved tool, the above posting and assurance document for the respective state-approved tool can be posted along with an addendum.

Additional Resources: