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Professional Learning Opportunities

Educator Evaluation Professional Learning Opportunities

MDE's Office of Educator Excellence (OEE) supports the development and sustainability of a high-quality, prepared, and collaborative education workforce. This page is designed to share professional learning opportunities related to educator evaluations.

Educator Evaluation and Professional Growth Webinars

This is a collection of webinars from the Office of Educator Excellence regarding Administrator and Teacher Evaluations, Educator Effectiveness Ratings, and other pertinent topics.

Educator Evaluation and Professional Growth Webinars

Michigan Virtual Teacher Evaluation Modules

Free, online, on-demand modules are live and accessible to Michigan educators. In addition to availability for individuals seeking to learn more about educator evaluations, these modules may also be helpful for district use with teacher mentoring and induction programming or to assist in developing teacher leaders in their understanding of the important role for teachers in their own evaluation process. Currently there are two Educator Evaluation in MI modules available: "Measurement of Student Growth for Teacher Evaluation" and "Self-Assessment and Goal Setting." 

Michigan Virtual Teacher Evaluation Modules

Michigan Department of Education Student Growth Workshops

The student growth workshops are designed for district teams of central office administrators, building administrators, and teacher leaders to collaboratively develop district plans for measuring student growth for educator evaluations. The below videos are recordings of three day-long workshop sessions providing specific guidance and structured activities where teams are prompted to pause the video to work together to produce work that will help implement district student growth practices.