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    • Districts that are just beginning to provide funding for the assessments for the MI-SoBL may choose to use their Title IV funding (subject to supplement, not supplant rules).
    • District general funds may be used to fund assessments for the MI-SoBL.
    • Local donors may provide funding for the assessments for the MI-SOBL.
    • Intermediate School Districts (ISDs), Regional Educational Service Agencies (RESAs), and Association of Educational Services Agencies (AESAs) may help offset costs.
    • In instances where funding is not able to be leveraged, students may also pay for the assessments for the MI-SoBL.
    • The Seal of Biliteracy is intended for graduating seniors. Therefore, schools are encouraged to apply for the MI-SoBL within approximately five months prior to graduation.
    • Demonstration of Intermediate High proficiency must be established prior to applying for the MI-SoBL.
    • For the purpose of awarding the MI-SoBL, the MDE recommends that a student’s proficiency be tested beginning in his/her second semester of their junior year through the end of the first semester of the senior year. The expectation is that the scores accurately reflect Intermediate High or equivalent proficiency at the time of graduation.
    • Exceptions to these recommended timelines may apply to less commonly assessed languages.
      NOTE: Students who test in their senior year, who use an Advanced Placement (AP) rating, or who use an International Baccalaureate (IB) rating may not receive test results until the summer of their graduation year. In these cases, the MI-SoBL is awarded retroactively subsequent to graduation.
    • Schools can engage in a variety of activities to promote the Seal.
    • Language teachers are encouraged to discuss the MI-SoBL with students during a class period and with parents during Parent-Teacher conferences. Teachers can use the relevant MI-SoBL brochure that exists in English and other languages on the MI-SoBL website.
    • Download and post the MI-SoBL Poster in all language classrooms.
    • Honor the MI-SoBL awardees at a special ceremony such as an Honors Assembly or Honors Convocation.
    • Honor the MI-SoBL awardees during graduation ceremonies.
    • Post photos of MI-SoBL ceremonies and awardees on school and district websites.
    • Post photos and articles on the MI-SoBL awardees on social media.
    • Send a press release and photos about MI-SoBL awardees to appropriate newspapers and newsletters. 
    • It is recommended that colleges and universities use the MI-SoBL for admissions, placement, and granting of credit for language courses. Please contact your college or university to identify ways in which a specific college or university is valuing the MI-SoBL.
    • Colleges and universities can contact prospective students, and recently admitted students who have been awarded the MI-SoBL to promote their language courses and programs in order to increase enrollments.