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Special Milk Program for Schools and Summer Camp Special Milk Program

The Special Milk Program (SMP) for schools provides milk to children in non-public schools and public school academies who do not participate in the school meals program.  Schools in the school meals program may also participate in the SMP to provide milk to children in half-day pre-kindergarten and kindergarten programs where children do not have access to the school meal programs. 

The Summer Camp Special Milk program is also available to non-profit summer camps in Michigan. 


Types of Programs

Free Milk Program 

  • Milk is provided at no cost to eligible children during snack or meal service. 
  • An approved Free Milk Application must be on file for each eligible child. 
  • Program sponsors are reimbursed the average cost per ½ pint of milk paid to the dairy. 
  • Can be combined with a pricing program or nonpricing program. 

Nonpricing Program 

  • Milk is provided at no cost to all children during snack or meal service. 
  • The milk cost is covered by tuition, donations, or endowments. 
  • Program sponsors are reimbursed the paid milk reimbursement rate. 
  • Can be combined with a Free Milk Program 

Pricing Program 

  • Milk is sold to children during the snack or meal service. 
  • Program sponsors reimbursed the paid milk reimbursement rate. 
  • Can be combined with a Free Milk Program