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Town Hall

OHNS Town Hall slides can now be found on the Food & Nutrition Programs main page.

When going to the Michigan Department of Education website, click on Services, Food & Nutrition Programs, then click on "Go to Food & Nutrition Programs". This is where all Town Hall slides will now be housed.


MDE Operational Memos

These memos are additional guidance for SFSP operations.

SFSP Memo #1 2025 Operation Training Dates

SFSP Memo #2 Reimbursement Rates


Summer Food Service Program Date & Data Requests

We, at the Office of Nutrition Services, have posted commonly requested Summer Food Service Program data on this site for your convenience. Most data is kept for three years plus the current fiscal year per federal regulations. If you are interested in additional data that you cannot find on this website, you may submit a request using our Data Request Form linked below. 

Data Requests

Summer Food Service Program Fact Sheet

Summer 2023 Meal Counts by Sponsor


Determine Eligibility

How to Determine Site Eligibility

Site Eligibility Data


How to Find a Meet Up and Eat Up Site

Meet Up and Eat Up Site Locator Map

USDA Meals For Kids Site Finder

Summer Food Service Program Sponsor Directory


Marketing Materials

Meet Up and Eat Up Outreach Materials

Summer Food Summer Moves 

Share Our Strength: No Kid Hungry Resources


SFSP Program Resources

Claim Reimbursement in the Michigan Summer Food Service Program

Appeal Procedures

SFSP Procurement Information - Find SFSP related procurement resources, including sample procurement procedures, training, and guidance. 

SFSP Training Sign-in Sheet - This form should be used when Sponsors conduct training. It includes the date of training, the trainer, training location, attendees printed and signed name, site name, and site address.

Special Diet Accommodations Form- This form must be completed when a participant is considered to have a disability that restricts their diet.

Sample Program Announcement -Annually, MDE publicly announces the SFSP for all sponsors. This sample program announcement can be used by sponsors who want to promote SFSP in their community. 

USDA Summer Food Service Program Website


Farm to Summer

Cultivate Michigan - Cultivate Michigan is a statewide campaign to help Farm to Institution programs grow and work toward the Michigan Good Food Charter goal that Michigan institutions source 20% of their food from Michigan sources by the year 2020.

Farm to Summer: Incorporating Local Foods into Summer Food Service Programs Webinar - This webinar covers the basics of Farm to Summer, how to incorporate local purchasing into summer food service programs and provides examples of Farm to Summer programs happening throughout Michigan.

Fresh From the Farm - Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) guide to using local foods in the SFSP.

Harvest of the Month - Michigan Harvest of the Month™ features ready-to-go supplemental nutrition education materials that can used in diverse applications within the community and school environment. 

MSU Center For Regional Food Systems - This website has videos, webinars and resources for incorporating local foods into the SFSP and other Child Nutrition Programs.

Turnip the Beet - This webpage provides information about the Turnip the Beet High-Quality Summer Meals Awards.


Meal Pattern and Food Quality 

Food Production Records - Use this form as a best practice for documentation of reimbursable meals.

Optimizing Summer Meal Service - No Kid Hungry's resource to increase participation and reduce food waste.

Purchasing High Quality Summer Meals - FRAC's How-To Guide will help sponsors with tips and tricks to buying high quality meals for sites.