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Core Performance Indicators

2024-2025 CTE PERKINS

Core Performance Indicator (CPI) and Activity Selections


1S1 - Four-Year Graduation Rate

Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who graduated from high school, as measured by the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate under Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA).

Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who, in the preceding reporting year, were included in the State’s computation of its graduation rate as defined in ESEA.

2S1 - Academic Proficiency in Reading Language Arts

Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who achieved proficiency or higher in reading/language arts as measured by the 11thgrade academic assessment adopted for ESEA and who, in the reporting year, exited secondary education.

Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who took the ESEA assessment in reading/language arts and who, in the reporting year, exited secondary education.

2S2 - Academic Proficiency in Mathematics

Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who achieved proficiency or higher in mathematics as measured by the 11thgrade academic assessment adopted for ESEA and who, in the reporting year, exited secondary education.

Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who took the ESEA assessment in mathematics and who, in the reporting year, exited secondary education.

2S3 - Academic Proficiency in Science

Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who achieved proficiency or higher in science as measured by the 11thgrade academic assessment adopted for ESEA and who, in the reporting year, exited secondary education.

Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who took the ESEA assessment in science and who, in the reporting year, exited secondary education.

3S1 - Post-Program Placement

Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who, in the second quarter after exiting from secondary education, were enrolled in postsecondary education, advanced training, military service, a service program* or were employed. (*see legislation for specific voluntary service program definition).

Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who exited secondary education and responded to the follow-up survey in the preceding reporting year.

4S1 - Nontraditional Program Concentration

Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators in secondary CTE programs and programs of study that lead to non-traditional fields who are a gender that comprises less than 25 percent of the individuals employed in the occupation or field of work for which the CTE program prepares students.

Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators in secondary CTE programs and programs of study that lead to non-traditional fields.

5S1 - Program Quality- Attained Recognized Postsecondary Credential

Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who graduated from high school in the preceding reporting year who have attained a recognized postsecondary credential.

Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who graduated from high school in the preceding reporting year.



1S1 - Four-Year Graduation Rate

Activity Selections:

1. Support Services: Identify and provide support services to students enrolled in state-approved CTE programs at-risk of dropping out of high school or not graduating with their 4-year cohort.

2. Mentoring: Provide activities to increase student engagement and retention in CTE programs.

3. Postsecondary Options: Support participation in articulated credit, direct credit, Early Middle College, or dual enrollment options for students at-risk of dropping out.

4. Attendance: Track attendance of CTE students and implement a technique to notify parents.

2S1 - Academic Proficiency in Reading

Activity Selections:

1.  Support: CTE students with deficiencies in reading skills will receive appropriate support services.

2. Professional Development: CTE instructors will receive training on the integration of reading concepts in their CTE programs and the use of contextual reading activities.

3. Use of Quality Data: Quality data and comprehensive local needs assessments will be used to drive decision-making to continuously improve CTE student skills in reading.

4. Curriculum Integration: The educational agency will align CTE curricula with reading content expectations aligned to MMC Academic Competencies within CTE program.

2S2 - Academic Proficiency in Math

Activity Selections:

1. Support: CTE students with deficiencies in math skills will receive appropriate support services.

2. Professional Development: CTE instructors will receive training on the integration of math concepts in their CTE programs and the use of contextual math activities.

3. Use of Quality Data: Quality data and comprehensive local needs assessments will be used to drive decision-making to continuously improve CTE student skills in math.

4. Curriculum Integration: The educational agency will align CTE curricula with math content expectations aligned to MMC Academic Competencies within CTE program.

2S3 - Academic Proficiency in Science

Activity Selections:

1. Support: CTE students with deficiencies in science skills will receive appropriate support services.

2. Professional Development: CTE instructors will receive training on the integration of science concepts in their CTE programs and the use of contextual science activities.

3. Use of Quality Data: Quality data and comprehensive local needs assessments will be used to drive decision-making to continuously improve CTE student skills in science.

4. Curriculum Integration: The educational agency will align CTE curricula with science content expectations aligned to MMC Academic Competencies within CTE program.

3S1 - Post-Program Placement

Activity Selections:

1. Program Improvement/Placement: Use placement and labor market data and skill set requirements to evaluate and improve programs and increase student placement.

2. Employer Involvement: Increase employer awareness of student qualifications, credentials, and availability for related employment.

3. Student Career Options: Improve student awareness of career options, related to credential, employment, and postsecondary education opportunities.

4. Completion of CTE Programs: Support and encourage CTE students to complete their CTE program and seek postsecondary education, advance training, military service, or a service program that receives assistance under National and Community Service Act, and/or employment in high wage, high skill, high demand careers.

5. Skills for Placement: CTE students are provided the opportunity to develop skills and credentials related to successful placement in employment and/or postsecondary education.

4S1 - Nontraditional Program Concentration

Activity Selections:

1. Career Awareness: Increase student awareness of nontraditional career options.

2. Outreach: Conduct nontraditional CTE recruitment and enrollment activities.

3. Remove Bias: Assess and modify programs to remove gender bias and incorporate gender fair strategies.

4. Support: Provide services to nontraditional CTE students to support retention.

5. Role Models: Provide nontraditional role models/mentors.

5S1 - Program Quality - Attained Recognized Postsecondary Credential

Activity Selections:

1. Program Standards: Implementation of the required state-approved CTE program standards, including curriculum improvement and strategies to strengthen the recognized credential requirements.

2. Program Expectations: CTE teachers will assist students to develop an understanding of all aspects of an industry consistent with program and credential requirements.

3. Credential Attainment: Update program expectations and course requirements so that CTE students will understand and meet program standards consistent with credential requirements.

4. Support Services: Provide tutoring, support services, and learning opportunities for CTE students to help them achieve the technical skills required in the CTE program.

5. Program Improvement: Purchase of instructional equipment for state-approved programs with collaborative support from business and industry partners.

6. Work-Based Learning: Implement a continuum of sustained work-based learning opportunities for each student related to the business and industry cluster.

7. Professional Development: CTE instructors will receive annual industry-related training that demonstrates technical knowledge and skills as well as integration of credentials and competencies in the related CTE area.