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MDE-Approved INSIGHT Tools Poster

Please feel free to use the MDE-approved INSIGHT Tools Posters listed below in your testing rooms during testing to help remind students of the tools that are available in the INSIGHT testing engine for M-STEP.

It is important to note that for a standardized administration of the assessment, all students must receive the same test directions during the administration. Also, when testing students should only have allowable testing materials, such as scratch paper or graph paper. These materials that can be written on are secure materials and must be collected and securely destroyed. For these reasons, there are specific requirements that must be followed when using this poster:

  • This is the ONLY INSIGHT Tools poster that may be posted during testing. No other Tools poster may be displayed at any time during testing.

  • Posters must not be within reach of students during testing – the poster is to be displayed in the classroom, but not placed at or on student desks or computers.

Any other use of these posters is prohibited.

MDE-Approved INSIGHT Tools Poster 8.5x11

MDE-Approved INSIGHT Tools Poster 11x17

MDE-Approved INSIGHT Tools Poster 16x24