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Petro-Chem Processing Group of Nortru, LLC Renewal Application Information

Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs) are highly regulated, highly engineered facilities, with extensive design and oversight requirements.  The hazardous waste regulations that prescribe the standards that must be met in any license action taken by EGLE include, in part: waste analysis, personnel training, compliance inspections, preparedness and prevention, contingency and closure planning, recordkeeping and reporting, engineering, management of waste, environmental monitoring, corrective action, financial assurance, and air emission standards.

EGLE, MMD issues operating licenses for the management of hazardous waste, that remain effective for 10 years as provided under the state and federal regulations.  The license renewal process gives EGLE an opportunity to update facility information, review operations, and improve the license by clarify license requirements that enhances the protections included in the license.  To reissue a license, EGLE's review must conclude:  

  • The license renewal application is sufficiently detailed to evaluate the facility and its potential for impact on human health and the environment.
  • The facility satisfies all technical design, construction, and operating standards under governing regulations.
  • The facility does not present a hazard to human health or the environment, as determined by EGLE inspections and compliance with applicable environmental regulations.
  • The license includes all necessary conditions to ensure safe and proper waste storage.

Petro-Chem’s renewal application is available electronically:

And in hard copy at the following locations: 

  • EGLE, MMD, 525 West Allegan Street, Lansing, MI 48909 (contact Vickie Terry; 517-284-6546,
  • EGLE, MMD, Warren District Office, 27700 Donald Court, Warren, MI 48092 (contact Jennifer Block; 586-606-2234,