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Daily Substitute Permit as a Transition Plan

Minimum Requirements

The Daily Substitute Permit is designed to support temporary teacher absences, which includes intermittent daily substitute assignments and short-term vacancies where a properly prepared, certified, endorsed, or otherwise authorized individual is unavailable.

This permit requires a minimum of 60 semester hours of satisfactory credit (grade ‘C’ or better) combined from one or more two- or four-year colleges or universities recognized by Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or U.S. Department of Education (USDE) or an associate degree from a college, university, or community college in accordance with Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) 380.1233.

Recognizing that staffing needs of schools can result in needing a non-certified individual for longer periods of time (e.g., FMLA), the Teacher Certification Code - Administrative Rules provide for the use of the Daily Substitute Permit in the same teaching assignment for up to 90 consecutive calendar days.

Daily Substitute Permit Extension

A Daily Substitute Permit may be extended for an additional 90 consecutive calendar days to provide additional staffing support for when a certified teacher is unable to return to the classroom beyond the initial 90-day allowance. If a Daily Substitute Permit Extension is necessary for an individual to remain in a placement beyond 90 consecutive calendar days, school administration should consider other options for a long-term solution, such as supporting the individual in meeting requirements to obtain a Full-Year Basic Substitute Permit or an endorsement on a teaching certificate for this placement.

At a minimum, the individual authorized under a Daily Substitute Permit should be observed and provided an evaluation prior to the school’s application for the Extension. Additionally, the individual must be assigned a mentor teacher.

The Daily Substitute Permit Extension is not available for Special Education assignments.

Building Human Resources Capital (a.k.a., Grow-Your-Own)

Investing in a grow-your-own program to recruit the individuals serving in these vacancy roles is both efficient and cost effective. Understanding the following solutions that authorize a non-certified or endorsed individual to teach in the same assignment for an entire school year is vital.

  • Full-year Basic Permit
  • Full-year Shortage Permit
  • Full-year Expert Permit
  • Annual Career Authorization
  • Special Education Approval
  • Interim Teaching Certificate


Learn more about staffing flexibilities

Making the Transition to Teaching

The transition to a full-year permit option in a non-core subject area* is simply a matter of verification of a mentor and observation during the application process in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS). These applications are auto approved, and a permit can be applied for, the fee paid, and obtained in a matter of minutes.

The transition to a full-year permit option in a core subject area* requires the additional verification of content knowledge. This verification is accomplished in one of two ways:

  • A major or minor (minimum of 20 semester credits) in the subject area or a related area; or
  • a passing score on the appropriate Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) exam.

MOECS verifies the passing test score(s) during the application process and an application can be auto approved; however, transcripts must be provided to MDE in all other cases, and manual approval is necessary. It is vital for schools to be familiar with the MTTC test and score release dates to adequately support an individual.

*The following have been designated as core subject areas by MDE for the purpose of permits: Art, Civics & Government, Economics, English, Foreign Languages, Geography, History, Language Arts, Mathematics, Music, Reading, and all Sciences.

District Supports

A variety of mechanisms have been utilized by employing schools to support the process of transitioning into the teaching profession, including, but not limited to:

  1. providing scholarships to pay for or supplement MTTC examination fees.
  2. providing scholarships to pay for or supplement college coursework in planned programs leading to certification.
  3. providing scholarships to pay for or supplement alternative certification pathway.
  4. hosting MTTC study sessions.
  5. collaborating with teacher preparation institutions and approved programs.

It should be noted that Michigan has no law, Administrative Rule or policy that specifies how these individuals must be paid. Compensation should be determined at a local level.

Emergency Extension to Daily Substitute Permit

In some cases, when these options have been exhausted and supports have not been effective in transitioning the individual to a full-year option, an Emergency Extension to a Daily Substitute Permit is needed.

This Emergency Extension must be applied for well in advance of the needed date and requires individual review and evaluation. Supplemental information regarding the individual’s circumstances will be required, including mentor and evaluation information. Additional guidance on evaluating educators working under permits can be found in the Educator Evaluation: Permits guidance.

The Daily Substitute Permit Extension is not available for Special Education assignments.

Additional Resources

With the overarching goal of supporting the individual into the teaching profession, the following guides are also relevant: