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Special Dietary Needs

Confused about when food substitutions must be made for a student when school meals are concerned? 

If a student has a documented disability or medical issue that restricts his or her diet, the school foodservice department MUST make the substitutions as listed by a licensed medical professional (MD, DO, NP, PA) on a completed medical statement form.

If, however, a request for food substitutions is made for a student without a documented medical issue, the school foodservice department MAY make the substitutions listed on the medical statement form signed by a recognized medical authority. Any substitution of this kind must fully meet the reimbursable meal pattern.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian making the request to submit a properly filled out and documented medical statement form.

Medical Statement: Please use this form for disabilities, non-disabilities or other diet preferences.



Additional guidance documents available upon request from MDE School Nutrition Programs team ( or 517-241-5374).