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Code of Educational Ethics Resources

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) approved a new Michigan Code of Educational Ethics (Code) in May 2019. The Code provides principles for best practice, mindfulness, self-reflection, and decision-making – setting the groundwork for self-regulation and self-accountability. The establishment of this Code honors the public trust and upholds the dignity of education across the state.

The following free resources have been compiled by our partners at the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) for the use of districts and educator preparation providers to provide instruction and training around educational ethics.


Michigan Code of Educational Ethics

Video Resources


The videos portrayed are a few of the ways in which some educators have run afoul of Nebraska's high ethical and professional standards. The Nebraska Professional Practices Commission’s intent with this project is to provide information and education to prospective educators as well as to those who are currently a part of the profession. Increased knowledge of the consequences of actions regarding an educator’s certificate may help prevent future lapses in these standards.

The following videos include dramatizations based on real cases and outcomes.

Crossing Boundaries:

  • Contracts
  • Time on Duty
  • Testing
  • Social Media
  • Inappropriate Relationships
  • Alcohol

Case Studies:

  • Prescription Drug Use
  • Theft
  • Contract Abrogation
  • School Computer Misuse
  • Personal Computer Felony
  • Inappropriate Relationships
Nebraska Videos


Ten modules produced by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) focusing on the following topics: boundaries, social media, anger management and off-campus behavior.


Texas Videos

Written Resources

Connecticut's Teacher Education and Mentoring Program

Facilitator’s Guide – Module 5: This guide focuses on understanding the Connecticut Code of Professional Responsibility for Educators using professional dilemmas and facilitated questions.


Connecticut's Facilitator's Guide


This toolkit for pre-service and in-service teachers includes a facilitator’s manual, case studies, discussion questions, and video links.


Pennsylvania's Toolkit

National Blog Series: Ethics and Educators

Blog entries authored by Troy Hutchings and various guest bloggers that focus on the practical applications of professional ethics in education.


Blog Entries

Ontario College of Teachers

Comprehensive Member Advisories regarding the topics of sexual misconduct, social media, and mental health:

  • Duty to report
  • Use of electronic communication and social media
  • Professional misconduct related to sexual abuse and sexual misconduct
  • Responding to the bullying of students
  • Safety in learning environments: a shared responsibility

Professionally Speaking: Journal with misconduct case summations (Blue Pages)