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HER Contractor qualification requirements

Two contractors wearing badges review plans
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

HER Contractor qualification requirements

To participate in Michigan’s Home Energy Rebates program contractors must be part of a prequalified contractor network. To become a part of this network contractors must demonstrate their compliance with the following requirements. These initial requirements are subject to change up until the program has officially launched and are being released in this draft form to help interested contractors prepare for the programs launch. 

Note: Contractors will be able to reduce the administrative burden of demonstrating compliance with each requirement by submitting verification of their participation in another prequalified contracting network like Michigan Saves.

General requirements

What you need to provide

Ways to obtain

Unique entity identifier (UEI)

Provide your UEI federal identification number to EGLE

Contractors can request a UEI by visiting Entity Registrations


Copies of business license and applicable Michigan contractor’s license

Visit Apply for / Renew a License or Permit for more information on obtaining relevant contractor’s licenses


(Workers’ Compensation/Self-Insurance: $100K per accident, $500K policy limit)

Proof of liability, automobile, and worker’s compensation insurance


Financial Information

W-9 form (signed and dated), EIN/tax documents, and banking information (voided check or direct deposit)


Background Checks

Documentation of employee criminal background checks for all employees who will be entering homes


MI Statewide Integrated Governmental Management Applications (SIGMA) Vendor Account Number

Provide your unique SIGMA VSS identifier

Navigate to AdvantageVSS - SIGMA VSS and complete online portal registration.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Provide equal employment history and plans


Terms & conditions of contractor agreement

Sign and agree to terms and conditions


One-year warranty on all work

Provide warranty confirmation


Responsible materials management commitment

Signature confirming contractors’ commitment to responsibly disposing or reusing materials removed from homes. In addition, contractors will be required to take trainings on materials management, these trainings have not been identified/created.

Coming soon: Materials management trainings

Commit to yearly program training

Contractors accepted to the program will be required to have one employee complete a virtual training yearly, which will cover topics like invoicing, quality assurance documentation and other program requirements.




Contractors can find supplemental funding available in Michigan they can apply for to pay for any associated training they need to take to prequalify. This section is currently not currently populated with initial opportunities and is not exhaustive. The list will be updated as we identify resources and prepare additional resources.



EGLE’s program requirements

Training avenues/opportunities

Air Sealing Improvements

Residential Builders or Residential Maintenance and Alterations License

Air Sealing Improvements

Third party certification that enables a contractor to perform diagnostic testing (ex. BPI, LIUNA, RESENT, WAP)


Boiler Install License and photo of documentation


Mechanical Contractor License, with

the minimum following classifications:

  • Hydronic heating and cooling and

process piping

  • HVAC equipment


Master Plumber license or Plumbing Contractor License


Mechanical Contractors license, with

the minimum following classifications:

  • Hydronic heating and cooling and

process piping

  • HVAC equipment


Residential Builders or Residential Maintenance and Alteration License

Water Heaters

Mechanical Contractor License with the minimum following classifications:

  • Hydronic heating and cooling and process piping
  • HVAC equipment

Water Heaters

Master Plumber License or Plumbing Contractor License

Energy Auditor

BPI Building Analyst, BPI Energy Auditor or Envelope Professional

RESNET, Certified HERS, WAP level 1/2 Inspector, LIUNA Auditor

Geothermal Heat Pumps

Mechanical Contractors license, with the minimum following classifications:

  • HVAC equipment
  • Limited heating service
  • Limited refrigeration and AC service
  • Hydronic heating and cooling and process piping (only required for Geothermal HVAC systems)


Masters Electrician or Electric Contractor License

Windows and Doors

Residential Builders or Residential Maintenance and Alteration License

Windows and Doors

Federal lead safe certification through the lead renovation, repair, and

painting program at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

There will be more funding opportunities in the future - keep checking this page for updates.

Current funding sources