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2024-25 Educator Evaluation Guidance

General Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Student Growth and Assessment Data

Legislation requires that student growth and assessment data must account for 20% of the annual year-end educator evaluation. 

More information about student growth

Biennial or Triennial Exemption

According to educator evaluation law, districts may conduct evaluations biennially (every other year with one non-evaluated year in between) or triennially (every third year with two non-evaluated years in between) for any non-probationary teacher that has been rated as highly effective or effective on the three most recent consecutive year-end evaluations.

Administrators that have been rated as highly effective or effective on the three most recent consecutive year-end evaluations may have evaluations conducted biennially.

Districts will be setting policy through collective bargaining on the implementation of exemptions as part of their evaluation systems.

  • Examples of ratings that would allow for biennial or triennial evaluations beginning with the 2024-25 academic year are included in the table below.
Example Evaluations
Examples 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Example A Highly Effective Highly Effective Highly Effective
Example B Effective Effective Effective
Example C Highly Effective or Effective Highly Effective or Effective Highly Effective or Effective
Example D Highly Effective Highly Effective Highly Effective Exemption
Example E Highly Effective Highly Effective Exemption Highly Effective
Example F Highly Effective Exemption Highly Effective Highly Effective Exemption
  • A teacher with any of the above combinations of ratings could be exempt from evaluation in 2024-25 and be evaluated in 2025-26 (biennially) or exempt again in 2025-26 and evaluated in 2026-27 (triennially).
  • An administrator with any of the above combinations of ratings could be exempt from evaluation in 2024-25 and be evaluated in 2025-26 (biennially).

Individualized Development Plans

ISDs and LEAs are required to develop an individualized development plan for any teacher in the first year of the probationary period (first full year of employment) or who received a rating of needing support or developing on the most recent annual year-end evaluation. A midyear progress report is also required.

Required Training for Teachers and Evaluators

ISDs and LEAs must provide training to teachers on the observation tool(s) used in the performance evaluation system and how each observation tool is used. Additionally, ISDs and LEAs shall ensure that rater reliability training is provided to all evaluators.

Annual Educator Effectiveness Data Correction 

An annual Educator Effectiveness Ratings Data Appeals Window will be open each year from September 1 to December 1. The Data Appeals Window will allow authorized personnel from districts and PSAs to correct inaccurate ratings from the five most recent years in REP.

Educator Effectiveness Label Data Appeals Resources

Public Posting of Evaluation System

ISDs and LEAs must post on its public website information about the evaluation tool(s) in use for evaluation of teachers and administrators. “Postings and Assurances” should be made available under the transparency mitten section of the ISD’s or LEA’s web site. 

Posting and Assurances Documents for District Use


Collective Bargaining Topics and Evaluation System Design Decision Points

This guidance defines decision points within the evaluation system design process to support district planning and collective bargaining processes.

Evaluation Requirements in Law

This guidance provides a list of requirements districts can review to support compliance with specific components in law.

Summary of Changes

This guidance provides a summary of changes in law.

Contact Information

Questions related to educator evaluation may be directed based on topic: