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Educator Effectiveness Ratings

Educator Effectiveness Label Data Appeals

Relevant information on the Educator Effectiveness Label Data Appeal Window

(September 1 - First business day in December)

Action Required to Ensure Your State Evaluation Data is Accurate

Learn how educator effectiveness impacts your recertification, why the appeals window exists, how to check the accuracy of your effectiveness labels, and how to work with districts to correct errors in effectiveness labels.

Action Required to Ensure Your State Evaluation Data is Accurate

Educator Effectiveness Ratings Report: How to Read It in MOECS

Learn how to interpret the effectiveness ratings that began appearing in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) in August, 2016.

Effectiveness Ratings Report: How to Read It in MOECS

Reporting Educator Effectiveness Data for Non-public Schools in the NPSPR

Annual year-end educator evaluation labels for teachers in non-public schools that opt into the requirements of Michigan’s educator evaluation law are able to be collected within the Non-public School Personnel Report (NPSPR). Entering ratings for non-public schools is optional and is a decision to be made by each school.

Reporting Educator Effectiveness Data for Non-Public Schools in the NPSPR

Educator Effectiveness Appeals within the REP

This is a step-by-step guide for districts’ authorized users Registry of Educational Personnel (REP) to update incorrect educator effectiveness labels.

Educator Effectiveness Appeals within the REP

Data Appeals Window Webinar Recording for Public School Employees

This September 19, 2018 webinar for teachers and districts includes a more detailed discussion of data appeals window, as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

Data Appeals Window Webinar Recording for Public School Employees

Sortable Aggregated Educator Evaluation Data

MI School Data Educator Evaluation Reports

The Educator Effectiveness report summarizes how school districts rate the effectiveness of their teachers and administrators. The report is updated in early fall. 

MI School Data Educator Evaluation Reports