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Considerations: Collective Bargaining Topics and Evaluation System Design Decision Points

Administrator Evaluation System

The questions below will assist in the development of a local evaluation system to meet the requirements of educator evaluation law.

Adopted Evaluation Tool(s)

  • Which evaluation tools will be used to conduct administrator evaluations?
  • How will the district approach the option to provide annual or biennial evaluations for administrators rated at least effective for three consecutive years?

Student Growth and Assessment Data or Student Learning Objectives Metrics

  • What assessments and measures will be used?
  • What are the timelines and processes for measurement? 
  • What are the review and approval processes?
  • How will metrics be attributed to administrators?

Evaluation Ratings

  • What evaluation components will be considered to meet the 20% student growth and assessment and 80% administrator performance requirements?
  • If using other objective criteria, what criteria and how will they be measured and what percentage of the overall evaluation will these factors account for?
  • What is the process and criteria range for determining final ratings? 

Exemptions to Evaluation

  • How will the district define “extenuating circumstances” and set criteria to be used for the unevaluated rating option in addition to the minimum circumstances of worked less than 60 days and rating vacated through grievance?

Required Training on Teacher Evaluation Tool

  • How will districts provide training on the teacher and administrator evaluation tools to administrators?
  • Will the district provide refresher trainings? 
  • Which administrators will receive rater reliability training to meet requirements for those administrators conducting teacher evaluations?

Mentoring and Coaching

  • How will the district provide a mentor to administrators in their first three years in a new position?
  • How will mentors be selected? 
  • What are the requirements and expectations of the mentoring program?
  • What are the selection requirements, trainings, and supports for a mentor? 

Individualized Development Plan (IDP)

  • What will the format and process be for IDPs for those administrators rated less than effective on their most recent evaluation?
  • How will the required training be selected?
  • Will IDPs be assigned in other circumstances?

Midyear Progress Reports

  • What will the process be for the mid-year progress report for administrators in the year of evaluation?
  • What is the format for the mid-year progress report to meet the minimum requirements of a review of improvement from the prior year, specific performance goals for the remainder of school year, recommended training, and written improvement plan?

School Visit for Building-Level Administrators

  • What will the format and length of the school visits be to meet the minimum requirements of a review of the school improvement plan and classroom observations?
  • Who conducts school visits, and will visits be announced in advance? 

Review of Evaluation Rating

  • What are the procedure and timelines for the review of an evaluation result to meet the minimums set in law?