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Solid Waste Facilities


Sueann Murphy

Jim Arduin

This searchable list below contains the landfill facilities within Michigan that are in compliance with Part 115. 

Action codes and type descriptions

  • II: Type II MSW Landfill
  • II-ASH: Type II MSW Incinerator Ash Landfill
  • III-C&D: Type III C&D Waste Landfill
  • III-CAL: Type III Coal Ash Landfill
  • III-CASI: Type III Coal Ash Surface Impoundment
  • III-EIL: Type II Existing Industrial Landfill
  • III-IND: Type III Industrial Waste Landfill
  • III-LH: Type III Low Hazardous Waste Landfill
  • III-SI: Type III Surface Impoundment
WDS ID Specific Site Name Action Code County District
475946 Advanced Disposal Services Arbor Hills Landfill Inc II Washtenaw Jackson
409032 Autumn Hills Recycling and Disposal Facility II Ottawa Grand Rapids
498055 Belle River Power Plant Bottom Ash and Diversion Basins III-CASI St Clair Warren
406671 Brent Run Landfill II Genesee Lansing
405721 C & C Expanded Sanitary Landfill II Calhoun Kalamazoo
390701 Carleton Farms Landfill II
Wayne Warren
416499 Central Sanitary Landfill II Montcalm Grand Rapids
470517 Citizens Disposal Inc II Genesee Lansing
407066 City Environmental Services Inc of Waters II Crawford Gaylord
470471 City of Livonia Landfill III-C&D Wayne Warren
470453 City of Midland Sanitary Landfill II Midland Bay City
392503 Consumers Energy De Karn III-CASI Bay Bay City
395496 Consumers Energy J H Campbell Complex III-LH Ottawa Grand Rapids
395457 Consumers Weadock Complex III-CAL
Bay Bay City
440983 County of Muskegon - Solid Waste Landfill II Muskegon Grand Rapids
451470 Dafter Sanitary Landfill II Chippewa Marquette
410730 Delta County Landfill II Delta Marquette
392562 Detroit Edison Co Range Rd Ash Disposal III-EIL St Clair Warren
392616 Detroit Edison Co Sibley Quarry III-EIL Wayne Warren
397800 DTE Monroe Power Plant III-CAL
Monroe Jackson
412314 Eagle Valley Recycle & Disposal Facility II Oakland Warren
478636 Ever-Green Landfill and Recycling Center, LLC III-LH Ontonagon Marquette
498297 General Motors LLC - Saginaw Metal Casting Operations - Formerly WDS No 395505 III-IND Saginaw Bay City
391216 GFL North Michigan Landfill LLC II Presque Isle Gaylord
418012 Glens Sanitary Landfill II Leelanau Cadillac
397449 Granger Grand River Landfill II Clinton Lansing
470523 Granger Wood Street Landfill II Clinton Lansing
478695 Haywire Landfill III-LH Schoolcraft Marquette
485207 Hiawatha Shores Landfill II Schoolcraft Marquette
439983 Huron Landfill Corp. - DBA Huron Landfill II Huron Bay City
408328 K and W Landfill Inc II Ontonagon Marquette
393642 LaFarge Midwest Inc III-LH Alpena Cadillac
449656 Liberty Environmentalists Landfill III-C&D
Jackson Jackson
398561 Manistee County Landfill Inc II MANISTEE CADILLAC
451188 Marquette Co Solid Waste Mgmt Authority II MARQUETTE MARQUETTE
444069 Matlin Road Landfill III-C&D MONROE Jackson
444391 McGill Road Landfill II Jackson Jackson
442570 Michigan Environs Inc II Menominee Marquette
450267 Montmorency-Oscoda-Alpena SWMA II Montmorency Gaylord
470397 Niagara Development LLC dba in Michigan as Niagara Development Partners III-C&D
Dickinson Marquette
409210 Northern Oaks Recycling and Disposal Facility II Clare Bay City
470494 Oakland Heights Development Inc II Oakland Warren
458867 Orchard Hill Sanitary Landfill II Berrien Kalamazoo
403061 Ottawa County Farms Landfill II Ottawa Grand Rapids
437908 Peoples Landfill Inc II Saginaw Bay City
398972 Pine Tree Acres Inc II
Macomb Warren
407345 Pitsch Sanitary Landfill II Ionia Grand Rapids
474294 Quinnesec LLC III-LH Dickinson Marquette
399054 Riverview Land Preserve II Wayne Warren
410118 Sauk Trail Hills Landfill II Wayne Warren
470343 SC Holdings, Inc. II Barry Grand Rapids
452546 Smiths Creek Landfill II St Clair Warren
475646 South Kent Landfill II
Kent Grand Rapids
458632 Southeast Berrien County Landfill II Berrien Kalamazoo
470355 Sparta Foundry Waste Facility III-IND Kent Grand Rapids
498056 St Clair Power Plant Bottom Ash Basins III-CASI St Clair Warren
396814 St Marys Cement U.S. LLC III-LH Charlevoix Gaylord
417640 Tri-City Recycling and Disposal Facility II Sanilac Bay City
399185 Venice Park Recycling & Disposal Facil II Shiawassee Lansing
395326 Verso Escanaba LLC III-IND Delta Marquette
470393 Vienna Junction Industrial Park Sanitary Landfill II Monroe Jackson
470449 Westside Recycling & Disposal Facility II St Joseph Kalamazoo
470336 Wexford County Landfill, LLC II Wexford Cadillac
449252 Whitefeather Landfill II Bay Bay City
444301 Wood Island Waste Management Inc II Alger Marquette
412717 Woodland Meadows RDF-Van Buren II Wayne Warren