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State Board Adopts Strategic Goals to Make Michigan a Top 10 Education State in 10 Years

December 8, 2015

LANSING – The State Board of Education adopted Tuesday seven Strategic Goals to help make Michigan a Top 10 education state in 10 years.

The goals were developed over the course of four months, following formal presentations to the State Board of Education; discussions between State Superintendent Brian Whiston and state Legislative leaders; and input from a broad contingent of education stakeholders, specialists within the Michigan Department of Education, and the general public.

"Nothing is more important to grow new jobs, see rising incomes, and create economic security for Michigan families than to educate all our people to the highest possible levels," said State Board of Education President John C. Austin. "An essential foundation is to deliver the essential skills needed in early childhood and K-12 education for later success. These goals will guide us to get where we belong in Michigan, among the top states in learning outcomes and educational attainment."

Work will continue in the generation of strategies to accomplish these goals and how progress on those goals will be measured. Whiston is expected to bring a finalized plan to the State Board early next year.

To realize Michigan becoming a Top 10 education state within the next 10 years, the existing structure and system of education must be challenged and reshaped. Michigan must establish an education system that grants indelible rights for all stakeholders to succeed – a system focused more on what is best for children and their learning.

Here are the Strategic Goals, in no particular order of priority:

Goal 1: Provide every child access to an aligned, high-quality P-20 system from early childhood to post-secondary attainment – through a multi-stakeholder collaboration with business and industry, labor, and higher education – to maximize lifetime learning and success.

Goal 2: Implement, with strong district and building leadership, high-quality instruction in every classroom through a highly coherent, child-centered instructional model where students meet their self-determined academic and personal goals to their highest potential.

Goal 3: Develop, support, and sustain a high-quality, prepared, and collaborative education workforce.

Goal 4: Reduce the impact of high-risk factors, including poverty, and provide equitable resources to meet the needs of all students to ensure that they have access to quality educational opportunities.

Goal 5: Ensure that parents/guardians are engaged and supported partners in their child’s education.

Goal 6: Create a strong alignment and partnership with job providers, community colleges, and higher education to assure a prepared and quality future workforce; and informed and responsible citizens.

Goal 7: Further develop an innovative and cohesive state education agency that supports an aligned, coherent education system at all levels (state, ISD, district and school).