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Future Proud Michigan Educator Program Highlighted in Newest proudMIeducator Video

LANSING – Developing high school students who are interested in becoming teachers is featured in the latest #proudMIeducator video released by the Michigan Department of Education.

The Future Proud Michigan Educator EXPLORE program is intended to interest students in grades 6-12 in educational careers to grow and diversify the teacher workforce. Current educators and high school students at Lansing Eastern High School share their experiences with the EXPLORE program in the video.

Robyne Muray, the Future Proud Michigan Educator coordinator at Lansing Eastern High School and the 2018-19 Regional Teacher of the year for Region 6, leads the cohort of students in exploring teaching and learning from the perspective of an educator. 

Through hands-on experiences and critical conversations, Muray’s students are encouraged to see teaching as a transformative profession that is inclusive of all learners. The Future Proud Michigan Educators at Lansing Eastern have visited elementary classrooms to encourage literacy skills, conducted action research on student connection, and presented their learning through a Juneteenth event for district administrators and community members.

“As we work to inspire our young people to become educators, giving them an early hands-on experience prepares them to build on their development,” said State Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice. “The #proudMIeducator campaign is one way that we honor the hard work of passionate educators and the inspiration and guidance that they are able to provide to future educators.”

The Future Proud Michigan Educator EXPLORE program at Lansing Eastern High School was funded by a grant from the Michigan Department of Education. 

Increasing the number of certified teachers, especially in areas of shortage, is one of the eight goals of Michigan’s Strategic Education Plan

Since 2016, the #proudMIeducator series has featured educators and supporters of Michigan educators who share their passion for education. The full playlist can be found on the MDE YouTube page.  

If you know a proud Michigan educator who should be considered for a future video feature, please email
