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Program Types: College Conversion and Guest Teaching

Michigan colleges and universities may offer their courses for State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH). One semester college credit hour is equal to 25 SCECHs. Guest teaching college courses may also accrue SCECH credit. Please see information below on these two different college program types.

  • College conversion programs allow an individual a choice of earning State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) or college credit when the college class has been pre-approved to offer SCECHs. One college credit is equal to 25 SCECHs. To be approved to offer SCECHs for an active college class, the sponsor must:

    • Select College Conversion at the bottom of the program application and enter any necessary information.
    • Have a signed letter of agreement from the four-year Michigan college/university for the course to be offered as SCECHs. The letter of agreement must be on college/university letterhead and include:
      • Statement of approval by the college/university for college conversion
      • Course title & number
      • Course dates
      • Number of college credits offered
    • Statement confirming the professional learning hours for individuals earning SCECHs for the course will not also receive college credit for the same course in the future.
    • Signature of department Dean or Chair (may be electronic)
  • Guest teaching in an advanced degree college or university program may qualify for SCECHs. The request for SCECHs must be approved prior to the start of the course, subject to verification after the course is completed and all criteria for submission of a SCECH program approval application are satisfied. These programs may not exceed one-half of the SCECHs required in a renewal period (75 SCECHs). SCECHs will not be granted for teaching the same course more than once in a five-year period.

    Approval Process:

    1. An individual wishing to earn SCECHs for Individual Professional Activities must submit responses to the five prompts listed in the educator instruction section to the coordinator 45 days before the start of the course.
    2. The coordinator must email or fax these responses to the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) SCECH Administrator for review and approval.
    3. The MDE SCECH Administrator must approve the responses supplied by the participant prior to the coordinator entering the program in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS).
    4. Once responses are approved, the coordinator enters a program application into MOECS (preferably 30 days prior to the start date of the course). No SCECHs will be awarded retroactively.
    5. Following the course, the coordinator must obtain a letter from the Department Dean or Chairperson to verify the college course was taught successfully and submitted to the coordinator no later than 30 calendar days after the end date of the course.
    6. Upon receipt and review of the verification, the coordinator will award the SCECHs

    Instructions and Questions for the Educator Teaching the Course

    To apply for SCECHs utilizing the Guest Teaching program, the following five prompts must be answered completely. The responses must demonstrate how the proposed activity is related to both the individual’s and the school district’s professional development goals.

    1. Describe this activity in general and identify which aspects of the course will contribute to your professional knowledge base or growth. A description of a course with an attached syllabus is not sufficient.
    2. Explain how this new knowledge base or activity is in accordance with district goals.
    3. Describe the unit of measurement and the method that will be used to evaluate the elements of the college course that will help you grow professionally.
    4. Specify how success will be attained utilizing the units of measurement listed above.
    5. Give specific dates for the activity and calculate the total number of contact hours this activity will require. Preparatory time for instruction cannot be included in the calculation of contact hours.

    Responses must be submitted to the coordinator a minimum of 45 calendar days prior to the start date of the course. All responses will be reviewed by MDE, and if found to be sufficient, the coordinator will be authorized to submit a program application.

    Within 30 calendar days after the end date of the course, the individual must submit a signed letter from the Department Dean or Chairperson to the coordinator to verify the college course was taught successfully. Upon receipt and review of the verification, the coordinator will award the SCECHs through MOECS.