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Future Proud MI Educator

Future Proud Michigan Educator

As a continuation of Michigan's efforts to grow and diversify the educator workforce and reduce educator shortages, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is providing resources that facilitate recruitment into the profession for an existing pool of candidates to address short-term school vacancies and long-term staffing needs in the state of Michigan.

The Future Proud Michigan Educator (Future PME) pathways focus on four populations of future educators:

  • Individuals working in PK-12 schools
  • Career changers
  • Educators transferring licensure from other states
  • Students in grades 6-12

Future PME Populations

I work in a pk12 school

Individuals Working in PK-12 Schools

Current school employees, such as paraprofessionals and bus drivers, who are not certified teachers but are currently employed in local districts, have existing relationships with staff and students and often hold content knowledge for specific courses and district curriculum. These individuals are often committed to the community and profession, which makes them viable candidates for expanding a candidate pool.

Additionally, already certified teachers are a potential pool of candidates from which vacancies can be filled through completion of an approved additional endorsement program in a new discipline area. These individuals possess the knowledge, pedagogy and methodology for working with students. 

Students enrolled in preparation programs to become teachers, such as those currently in a student teaching assignment, are an underutilized and potential pool of candidates from which vacancies can be filled. These candidates are committed to the teaching profession and are gaining the knowledge, pedagogy and methodology for working with students. 

Supporting Employees through Certification
I want to change careers

Career Changers

Often community members hope to make a career change and enter the education profession. Career changers should enroll into a preparation program to become teachers. Certification only programs and alternative and expedited pathways are available for individuals who already have a bachelor's degree. Career changers are also potential candidates from which vacancies can be filled while they complete the program. They are committed to the teaching profession and are gaining the knowledge, pedagogy and methodology for working with students. While the individual works toward completion of an educator preparation program, the recommended options for utilizing these individuals include:

  • Full-year Basic Substitute Permits
  • Interim Teaching Certificate: Alternative Route Programs
  • Annual CTE Authorizations (ACA)

Additional financial support may be available by way of student loan forgiveness.

I am certified in another state

Educators Transferring Licensure from Other States

While an out-of-state license does not authorize placement in a Michigan school, these educators are highly likely to become certified in Michigan. Districts often have educators from other states apply for open positions. Reciprocity provides the opportunity for these educators to be evaluated for Michigan certification and subsequently placed into open positions.

MDE has a 96% approval rate for out-of-state evaluations*. If an individual does not immediately qualify, the recommended options for utilizing these teachers while they work with MDE to gain Michigan certification include:

  • Daily Substitute Permit
  • Full-year Basic Substitute Permit
  • Temporary Teaching Certificate

*Lack of documentation is the number one reason for a delay in the evaluation of an out-of-state application. An applicant's status can remain on "Hold" for up to two years or until the evaluation is complete.

As part of the Future PME initiative, MDE is with working with state legislators to revise statute to further expand the ability to issue Michigan certification based on out-of-state licensure.

Out-of-State Application Guidance

I am a 612 student

Students in Grades 6-12

A fourth pathway in the Future PME initiative is for students in grades 6-12 to learn more about education professions. While those students are not able or ready to enter the workforce or resolve immediate staffing needs, they are an important category of candidates to consider for long-term staffing solutions. There are two types of programs within the students grades 6-12 pathway: EXPLORE and LAUNCH. Determine how these programs might fit a local district context by reviewing the Comparing the LAUNCH and EXPLORE Programs document.

EXPLORE Programs  LAUNCH Programs

Demonstration of Competency

To instruct Michigan students effectively, the department believes that teachers should exhibit competency in three areas of the profession:

  • Content Knowledge for Teaching
  • Pedagogical Practices
  • Professional Behaviors

Traditionally, these competencies are demonstrated by educator candidates through the following components:

  • Program Completion
  • Clinical Experiences
  • Licensure Assessment

Specific populations of candidates that demonstrate some of these competencies may be supported into the profession as Future Proud Michigan Educators (Future PME). Future PMEs have multiple choices for educator preparation program types and which program is the right one depends on the Future PME's education and employment background.

Quality Future PME programs include the following features:

  • Intensive mentorship with regular observation, support and feedback
  • Support individuals through completion of the preparation program and into continued employment with the district
  • Professional learning aligned to feedback to ensure continued growth