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7.02 Detail records (DTL1, DTL2, DTL3, DTL4) overview

7.02 Detail records (DTL1, DTL2, DTL3, DTL4) overview

A retirement report is a collection of detail records. This section and its subsections provide an overview of how to complete the four types of detail records. Section 1.05 Retirement detail reports and records in the Introduction chapter describes each of the record types, and this section provides instructions for completing each record type.

Detail 1 - Member Demographics (DTL1) records:

Detail 2 - Wage and Service (DTL2) records:

Detail 3 - TDP Deductions  (DTL3) records:

Detail 4 - DC Contributions (DTL4) records:

All record types are important, but DTL2 and DTL4 records will appear on every report. In 2022, every member you report will have a DTL2 record and a DTL4 record on most reports during the school year.

DTL1 and DTL3 records are needed only occasionally for any employee.

Last updated: 03/18/2022