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7.03.00: Detail 2 (DTL2) records - common error messages

7.03.00: Detail 2 (DTL2) records - common error messages

Detail 2 records provide vital information for calculating the pension of a member with a defined benefit plan. Several factors make the accurate reporting of wages and hours complex. Some employees work in different positions, earning different wages in each. In addition, the Retirement Act defines what types of pay are considered compensation when it comes to reporting and making contributions to the pension system, and only reportable compensation should be included on a DTL2 record. Amendments to the Retirement Act have revised benefit plans and structures, how certain types of compensation must be reported, who must be reported, and so on.

Some of the complexities of DTL2 records lead to common errors. The table below lists common error messages and explains how to fix them.

Common DTL2 record error messages

Error Message

– suspended records

How To Fix

S - The member is reported more than once, each of record's class code and wage code are not unique, begin, end dates overlap.


S - The record being reported matches a posted record with the same wage code, class code, begin/end date, which is not allowed. Please review and either update the wage code, class code, and/or record dates or delete the record.

Our system does not allow more than one DTL2 record with the same wage code/class code combination for the same begin and end dates. If you need two DTL2 records to report wages and hours for one member for the same pay period on the same report, select a different class code for the second record. See section 7.03.01: Multiple DTL2 records for different employment class codes.

If you have entered multiple records for adjustments, you may not have entered the correct begin and end dates. Check the download detail to see if the begin and end dates are correct. Correct the dates on any incorrect DTL2 records.

S - This ORS account is missing at least one of these data elements: First/Last Name, Date of Birth, Address or Gender. If a DTL1 record is on this report with all these elements, no action is required. If no DTL1 record exists, please submit one. The DTL2 record will post after the DTL1 record posts.

ORS is missing some or all the demographics required for this member. Check the DTL1 record to ensure that the address is current and that the record is complete, including the country code, zip code (or the postal code field if the member lives outside of the USA), date of birth, and gender. If any of these data are missing, the record will suspend.

If there is no DTL1 record for this person on your report, add one to update our system and ensure that it is complete.

See section 7.02.01: Reporting member demographics data on a Detail 1 (DTL1) record.

S - Pay rate should be greater than zero.


S - The Pay Rate is NOT greater than zero and the wage code is 01, 07, 08, 09 or 11.

Enter a valid rate of pay. Report an annual pay rate or calculate a new hourly pay rate by dividing wages by hours reported.

The pay rate cannot be blank if the record has one of these wage codes:

01 – Regular Wages

07 – Retiree Wages

08 – Summer Spread Wages

09 – Wages without Hours

11 – Coaching Wages

To learn more about wage codes, see section 13.02.02: Detail 2 records - wage codes.

S - The pay rate is greater than 100 but the contract begin and end dates are not reported.

When a pay rate is $100.00 or more, the system assumes that the employee is salaried. ORS requires contract begin and end dates on these DTL2 records. Enter contract begin and end dates on the record. If there is no contract, use the begin and end dates of the fiscal year: 7/1/20xx - 6/30/20xx.

S - Suspended for election window.

This record will remain suspended until the member elects or defaults into a benefit plan per statute.

S - The original record corresponding to the adjustment record is not posted.

The original record with the same begin and end date as this adjustment record is unposted and must be posted before this record can post.

S - This adjustment record created net wages of zero for this pay period but did not adjust hours to equal zero. If wages should be zero, hours should also be zero. Enter the number of hours needed on this adjustment record to make the net hours for this pay period equal to zero.

Enter the number of hours displayed on the View Employee Info screen originally reported for the pay period being adjusted.

S - Record reported with negative adjustment caused the account balance to go negative.

Wages and/or hours are greater than the original record posted for that pay period, or class code does not match the original record. Use the View Employee Info screen to obtain the correct information.

S - Pay rate < 100 and the hourly rate computed by dividing the Employer rpted Wages by hours < rptd Pay Rate; or improper class code, wages or hours were submitted.

Either report an annual pay rate or calculate a new hourly pay rate by dividing wages by hours reported.

For adjustments: If the original record is reported with an hourly pay rate, add the wages and hours of the positive adjustment record to the original record and divide the hours into the wages to calculate a new pay rate.

Or check that the proper class code was used.

S - The Begin and/or End date is between the report's begin and end date and the wage code is 05, 06, 15, 16, 25, 26, 45, 46, 75, 76, 85 or 86

If this an adjustment for a previous pay period, edit the begin and end dates to match the original pay period.

If this record is for the current pay period, change the wage code to 01, 08, 09, or 11 for active members or to 07 for retirees.

S - The Employer reported Wages are equal to zero and the wage code is not 06, 16, 26, 46, 76 or 86.

Hours cannot be reported without wages unless this is an adjustment to a posted record containing wages. Add wages to the record or, if this is a negative adjustment, correct the wage code.

S - MPSERS member account is missing.

There is no MPSERS account for this SSN. Add a completed DTL1 record that includes name, full address including country code, date of birth, and gender. See section 7.06.03: Completing DTL1 records for new employees.

S - Record reported with a Negative adjustment and the amount is greater than the original amount posted for the period, or the employment class code does not match the original class code submitted for this period.

Compare the wages and hours on the View Employee Info screen to the information reported on the adjustment record. If these are correct, check whether the begin and end dates and the class code match the original record.

S - ORS does not have a record of this member ever having worked at this reporting unit. Please verify the SSN. If it is accurate, make certain wages have been reported for this member.

A member cannot be reported with wage code 09 or 08 if no record from this reporting unit that contains wages and hours has posted yet.

S - The hours are equal to zero or doesn’t have hours and the employment class code is 9003, 9004, 9005, 9013, 9014, 9015, 9023, 9024, 9025, 9033, 9034, 9035, 9043, 9044 or 9045 and the wage code is 07, 75, 76.

These wage and class codes are for reporting retirees. Retirees must be reported with hours. Add hours to the record. See section 7.03.08: Reporting retiree wages and hours on a DTL2 record.

S - The reported wage code is 08 and 85 and is used outside of summer month reporting.

Summer spread wages (wage code 08) can only be reported from June to September. Add hours to the record or, if no hours should be reported, change the wage code to 09. See sections 7.03.03: Reporting summer spread wages on a DTL2 record and/or 7.03.07: Reporting wages without hours on a DTL2 record.

Error: Payroll Spans more than one service credit year.

The begin and end date on the record must be within the same fiscal year, starting 7/1 ending 6/30.

S - The Class Code is 9003, 9004, 9005 and the record's begin date is not 1 month after the retirement effective date; or the member is active and a retiree class code was used.

Wages for a retiree can only be reported for 30 days after the retirement effective date, unless you are reporting summer spread wages with wage code 08 and 0 hours.

S - The employment class code is 9001 or 9002, but the exception wages are equal to zero.

Enter the amount of exception wages earned in the exception wages field when using employment class code 9001. See section 7.03.06: Reporting professional services leave/professional services released time on a DTL2 record.
Class code 9002 is no longer valid.

S - SSN has record(s) not posted in a prior pay period(s) and cannot be processed until those become posted.

Records will not post until the oldest suspended record for the member has posted. Correct the oldest suspended record. Once the oldest suspended record’s issue is resolved, the trailing (more recent) records should post in order, one record per nightly batch processing. If the trailing records are not posting, check the oldest suspended record for additional error messages.

S - DTL2 record is suspended as no DTL4 record is reported for the same pay period.

Add a DTL4 record for this same pay period. See section 7.02.04: Reporting DC wages and contributions on a DTL4 record.

S - Job Class code cannot be Empty

Add the correct job class code (employment class code) for member on the DTL2 record. See section 13.02.01: Detail 2 records - employment class codes and definitions.

S - Record's End date cannot be greater than the Pay Period End Date

Check record begin and end dates for accuracy, ensure the record’s end date is the same as the report end date.

If you are entering adjustments, the record dates do not need to match the report date, however, they must match the original record date. Again, check the begin and end dates for accuracy.

Check the download detail to see if the begin and end dates are correct. Correct the dates on any incorrect DTL2 records.

S - The begin and/or end dates of this record do not match a payroll cycle or fall within a payroll cycle detailed in your calendar. Please verify and update the record.

Check the begin and end dates of the record for accuracy and modify the record dates to match your payroll calendar.

If you have entered multiple records for adjustments, you may not have entered the correct begin and end dates. Check the download detail to see if the begin and end dates are correct. Correct the dates on any incorrect DTL2 records.

Last updated: 04/23/2024