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Avian Diseases

Poultry can be affected by many types of disease, as well as a variety of pests. Some of the diseases and pests are reportable to the State of Michigan. Below is information regarding avian influenza and infectious laryngotracheities, including clinical signs and why the diseases are a concern. 

Avian Influenza

Health Basics: Infectious Laryngotracheitis (for exhibitors)

Health Basics: Infectious Laryngotracheitis (for poultry superintendents and fair managers)

For general information on good husbandry (or how to care) for your poultry, go to the Michigan State University Extension poultry website.

For a list of Veterinarians willing to see backyard poultry, see list of Michigan Poultry Veterinarians or view the Michigan Poultry Veterinarians GIS map.