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Featured Testimonials

Three people working inside of a hot house that is growing tomatoes

Bob and Sandy Potter of Tuckers Farm-Monroe County

Bob Potter and his wife Sandy are keeping a family tradition alive at Tuckers Farm, a vegetable farm started by Sandy’s grandparents in 1919. They take pride in their farm and doing what they can to reduce their impact on the land.
Learn more about Tuckers Farm
Denny Person and his two boys hanging off of a tractor

Denny Person of Person Farms LLC- Hillsdale County

Denny Person took over the family dairy farm from his father in 2010. Some things have changed, like switching to beef cattle and growing beans, corn, and wheat. What hasn’t changed is Denny’s love for the land.
Learn more about Person Farms
The Hansen couple, holding a verified sign in a pine forest

Doug Hansen-Ogemaw County

Doug Hansen lives in Saginaw County, but like many of us, he enjoys the outdoors. So, 41 years ago, Hansen bought more than 280 acres in Ogemaw County, Hill Township. He soon realized his land needed a lot of work.
Learn more about the Hansen's forest
Stotler family standing behind a farmstead system and cropping system verified sign

Lane Stotler of WCM Research Station- Oceana County

"At the West Central Michigan Research Station, we have 68 acres of fruit, grown for research purposes. This station was built to be a model for new growers and existing growers that are looking to improve their sustainability."
Learn more about the Station
Ron Stadler standing behind a farm stand

Ron Stadler of Stadler Farms- Monroe County

Ron Stadler’s family has been farming since 1896. He’s proud to carry on the family farming tradition and does what he can to care for his land so it stays healthy and productive.
Learn more about Stadler Farms

More Testimonials

Jake Zwemmer of Roto-Z Dairy- Sanilac County

“Becoming MAEAP verified was not as tough as I thought it would be. If you have things prepared and you already try to take care of the environment yourself, then it won’t be that big of an adjustment. > More about Roto-Z Dairy

Jim Stutzman of Stutzman Farms- Lenawee County

Times have changed since Jim Stutzman started farming in 1969. He wants to do everything he can to promote farming in his community. That’s why he decided to participate in the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP). > More about Stutzman Farms

Matt and Kelly Carpenter of Carpenter Farms-Lenawee County

Farming is more than just a business for Matt Carpenter. It’s a way of life. His family has been farming the same land for more than 100 years. Matt enjoys sharing his love of the land and farming with others. That’s what drove him to begin inviting the community to visit Carpenter Farm 20 years. > More about Carpenter Farms

Donald and Donna Miller of Licken Branch- Eaton County

Donald and Donna Miller, owners of the Licken Branch in Vermontville, had their property verified through the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) under the Forest, Wetlands and Habitat (FWH) System; the first FWH verification in Eaton County. The Millers have worked hard over the past several years to restore an abandoned gravel pit. > More about Licken Branch

Blaine and Kim Baker of Bakerlads Farms – Lenawee County

Blaine and Kim Baker are the co-owners for Bakerlads Farms in Lenawee County. Their farm promotes environmental stewardship in the Lenawee agriculture community by emphasizing soil and water conservation in their dairy and crop operations. > More about Bakerlads

CBI’s Giving Tree Farm – Clinton County

MAEAP verified CBI’s Giving Tree Farm started as a community garden for people with disabilities. As the garden continued to grow, more people started to volunteer. Eventually, a heated greenhouse was built which allows for a year-round horticultural therapy program. Now, the garden project has become a productive certified organic farm with seven acres. > More about Giving Tree Farm

Larry Lee of Lee Family Farm- Shiawassee County – 1000th MAEAP verification

Larry Lee owns and operates his family’s farmstead – established July 10, 1861 – with his wife Annette (a fifth generation farmer), Aaron and Amanda (Lee) Berndt, and Joshua Lee (sixth generation), and Rylee Berndt (seventh generation). Larry serves as the treasurer on the Shiawassee Conservation District Board of Directors and has been a member of the board since 1993. His family has worked with the Shiawassee CD since 1971 and are founding members of the Shiawassee County’s No-Tillers club, established in 1984. > More about Lee Family Farms

Ken and Pat Brown of Kitty Kurtis Farm- Clare County

“We worked hard to get verified! Cattle needed to be fenced out of the streams, stream crossings needed to be provided, and watering sited established. At the Farmstead, we installed new fueling stations and chemical storage, among other things. But it was worth it in the end and we feel great about this accomplishment.” > More about Kitty Kurtis Farm

Richard Janssens- Monroe County

“Farming is my heritage. My dad was a small-scale farmer like I am. Being raised that way, I always wanted to be involved in farming. MAEAP is a very good program and I encourage other farmers to join in to assure the public they care about the environment.” > More about the Janssens

Bruce and Jennifer Lewis of Pleasant View Dairy- Hillsdale County

“We believe electively opting to participate in MAEAP… will help farmers keep up with the rapid pace of environmental and sustainability-based industry changes… The fourth generation is now learning and preparing for their future as we all try to leave our farmstead better than we found it.” > More about Pleasant View

Doug Darling of Darling Farms-Monroe County

“We’ are participating in MAEAP because we recognize the benefit to the environment, our community, and our farming operation. I encourage more farms to pursue verification in MAEAP.” > More about Darling Farms

Wayne Dinius of Wayne Dinius Farm- Lenawee County

“I’ve been a farmer all my life. My first experience driving machinery on the farm was when I was 10 years old. It’s my goal to turn [the farm] over to my children in better than it was when I got it. > More about Wayne Dinius Farm