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Fertilizer and Liming Information

Tonnage Reporting

Reminder: Effective March 12, 2022, fertilizer manufacturers and distributors are now required to file tonnage reports annually, instead of twice a year. Under this new rule, the reports will cover an annual period of January 1 to December 31.

Learn more

New! Digging into Compost Regulations (PDF)

Fertilizer Program

Fertilizer Law

Fertilizer Program

Reporting Fertilizer Tonnage

Fertilizer Tonnage Reporting Form - Excel

Fertilizer Definitions

Fertilizer License and Registration Requirements

Fertilizer License and Registration Application Form
This form applies to the following: Specialty Fertilizer Registration, Soil Conditioner Registration, Fertilizer Manufacturer/Distributor Licensing, Beneficial Use 3 By Products

Label Requirements of Specialty and Other Bagged Fertilizers

Michigan Fertilizer Facility Licensee List

Michigan Product Registration List

Commercial Fertilizer Program Staff

Contact Jarrod Fletcher at 517-449-2635 for information about Beneficial Use 3.

Phosphorus Fertilizer Restrictions (turf fertilizers)

Phosphorus Fertilizer Amendments
PA 151 of 2013 amends the phosphorus use restrictions for turf fertilizers. (December, 2013)

MSU Soil Testing Lab Recommendations for Phosphorus Applications to Turfgrass

Homeowner Brochure - Use Phosphorus Free Fertilizer (Printer Friendly)

Homeowner Brochure - Use Phosphorus Free Fertilizer

Michigan Adopts Statewide Phosphorus Fertilizer Limits on Lawns effective January 1, 2012


Western Lake Erie Basin: Agriculture and Water Quality

Fertilizer Security

Safety and Security Guidelines for the Storage and Transportation of Fertilizer Grade Ammonium Nitrate at Fertilizer Retail Facilities

Ammonium Nitrate Security Requirements for Fertilizer Manufacturers, Distributors and Retailers
Attention: Fertilizer Manufacturers, Distributors and Retailers

Anhydrous Ammonia
Producers throughout Michigan use anhydrous ammonia as a source of nitrogen fertilizer for crops.

Anhydrous Ammonia Safety and Security Practices (AASSPs) in accordance with the Anhydrous Ammonia Security Act, Public Act 417 of 2006

Liming Materials Program

Liming License Application

Liming License Details & FAQ

Fertilizer and Liming Laws and Regulations

Act 451 of 1994, Part 85, FERTILIZERS


Regulation No. 634: Commercial Fertilizers

Liming Materials, Act 162 of 1955

Links of Interest

Be Phosphorus Smart - MSUE Website

Weights and Measures Information
Includes Michigan registered service person look-up, consumer tips, FAQs and related information

AOAC International

Association of American Plant Food Control Officials/AAPFCO

Michigan State University Extension/MSUE

The Fertilizer Institute/TFI