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Environmental Stewardship

Environmental Sustainability
Michigan Agriculture Logo

Environmental Stewardship

What We Do

We administer a wide variety of programs which provide for a safe and healthy environment, a viable natural resource base and a strong agricultural and forestry economy. We cooperate with, local, state, and federal programs and private landowners to strengthen the economic viability of the food, fiber, and agriculture industry, and help provide profitable economic opportunities for businesses on working lands.

Conservation Programs

Conservation Programs

Michigan's conservation programs utilize local, state, federal, and private sector resources to deliver programming designed to solve today's agricultural and natural resource problems.

water and land

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

CREP is a partnership between the state and federal government to implement conservation practices of great significance in priority areas of Michigan to protect the environment, in matters of soil erosion, water quality, and wildlife habitat.

Farmland Preservation

Farmland Preservation

The Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program or Public Act 116 (P.A. 116) Program preserves farmland from being developed for non-agricultural uses. 



The Forestry Programs are designed to help family forest owners manage their forests in an economically beneficial and environmentally sound manner.

Intercounty Drains

Intercounty Drains

County and intercounty drains play a key role in the development of agriculture, roads and highways, residential, and commercial properties by removing excess soil moisture, reducing flood impacts, and improving public health.


Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP)

MAEAP brings together training, risk assessment, technical assistance, conservation practice support, engineering, cost-share, and agency verification in an industry lead partnership dedicated to pollution prevention.

Migrant Labor Housing

Migrant Labor Housing

The Migrant Labor Housing is designed to ensure the safety of housing occupied by five or more migrant agricultural workers.

Cover crops

Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is an active approach to land management driven by improving soil health. Rather than a rigid set of rules, it embraces a blend of sustainable farming methods tailored to each farmer's needs.

Right to Farm

Right to Farm

The Michigan Right to Farm Act provides broad definitions of a farm, its operations and products as well as a process for the development and adoption of Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices (GAAMPs).