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Bulk Storage Types of Containment

Chemical and Construction Material Compatibility Charts


All liquid pesticides and fertilizers need to be stored in containers (tanks) resistant to corrosion, puncture, and cracking.


While the tank itself is essential as a safeguard from potential releases, all bulk liquid tanks must be within a diked area. The dike must be able to hold 110% of the largest tank's volume, plus a six-inch volume of rainfall, and the displacement of other tanks below the wall.

Types of containment materials include:

  • Sealed concrete
  • Fabricated steel
  • Synthetic lined or clay lined earthen berm (fertilizer only)
  • Concrete, modular concrete block, fiberglass, or treated lumber frame w/synthetic liner


To prevent any runoff or leaching of agrichemicals, all operations need to be conducted on a mix/load pad.

The mix/load pad must have:

  • An impermeable surface
  • Minimum dimensions of 10' by 20'
  • At least a 1,500 gallon capacity

Dry Products

Although bulk dry products do not require secondary containment, products need to be stored in a building or structure that prevents contact with precipitation and surface water.