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IPM Training for Applicators

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IPM Training for Applicators

Integrated Pest Management Training for Applicators

Effective, smart, and safe pest management in schools, day cares, health care facilities, and public buildings is critical for ensuring these environments remain healthy spaces for learning, playing, living, and recovering. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) combats pests while improving management, lowering costs, and protecting the health and safety of people and the environment. 

Before applying a pesticide in a school, day care, health care facility, or public building, Michigan requires pesticide applicators complete an MDARD-approved IPM training. An approved training can be accessed at the link below. 

Approved IPM Trainings

Applicators can complete an MDARD-approved IPM training by one of the following:

  1. Completing the virtual IPM in Michigan Schools and Day Care Facilities educational module and quiz on The Pest Defense for Healthy Schools website. This module was supported by the IPM Institute of North America, Inc. with funding from the North Central IPM Center. Applicators will receive a certificate of completion via email from MDARD after the module and quiz are successfully completed.
  2. Reviewing the IPM Training Manual and completing the IPM knowledge self-check. After completing the training, submit the verification form in the manual via email or mail. A certificate of completion will be sent to the applicator from MDARD via email or mailed to the address provided. 
  3. Participating in their employer’s MDARD-approved IPM training. Interested in submitting an IPM training for approval? Send us an email at for more information. Employers with an MDARD-approved training must submit verification of applicators who completed the training to MDARD. A certificate of completion will be sent to the applicator from MDARD via email or mailed to the address provided. 

Be sure to keep your MDARD IPM training certificate of completion for your records! 

Interested in submitting an IPM training for approval? Contact us at