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Vegetable Seed Labeling Requirements (Fact Sheet)

Vegetable Seed

Vegetable seed means the seed of those crops which are grown in gardens or on truck farms and that are generally known and sold under the name of the vegetable or herb.

Label Requirements for Vegetable Seed Sold in Containers of More Than One Pound

Each container of vegetable seed offered for sale for planting purposes must have attached to the container in a visible place a label or tag with the following information. (Note: If the seed is distributed in bulk, the information required must accompany delivery, and must be provided to the purchaser at the time of delivery.)

  1. The commonly accepted name of the kind and variety of each vegetable seed component in excess of 5% by weight of the whole, including the percentage by weight of each seed component in the order of its predominance.
    • If any seed component is a hybrid, the label must have the name of the hybrid and the word "hybrid" in connection with the kind of vegetable seed component.
    • If the seed is a blend, the word "blend" must appear on the label in connection with name of the kind of vegetable seed.
    • If the seed is a mixture, the word "mixture" or "mix" must be stated clearly on the label.
  2. The lot number or identifying trade mark.
  3. The percentage by weight of all weed seed present.
  4. The percentage of germination exclusive of dormant or hard seed, the percentage of dormant or hard seed if present, and the calendar month and year that these percentages were determined by test.
  5. The name and the number per pound, if present, of each kind of restricted noxious weed seed, except buckhorn and yellow rocket, which must be shown on the label only when in excess of 90 seeds per pound.
  6. The name and complete address of the person who labels the seed, or sells the seed within the state of Michigan.
  7. Percentage by weight of crop seed other than those required to be named on the label. This figure must be shown under the heading "crop" or "other crop."
  8. The percentage by weight of inert matter. Any coating material must be included as inert matter, and a statement of percentage of the coating material may be shown immediately following inert matter.

Additional Label Requirements for Vegetable Seed Sold in Containers of 1 Pound or Less?

Vegetable seed sold in containers of 1 pound or less must include the following information:

  1. The name of the kind and variety.
  2. The lot number or identifying mark.
  3. The year for which the seed was packed for sale and labeled as "packed for year," or the percentage of germination exclusive of dormant or hard seed, the percentage of dormant or hard seed, and the calendar month and year that these percentages were determined by test.
  4. For seed that does not meet the minimum germination established by rule, the percentage of germination exclusive of dormant or hard seed, the percentage of dormant or hard seed, if present, the words "BELOW STANDARD" printed in not less than 8-point type, and the month and year the percentages were determined by test.
  5. The name and complete address of the person who labels the seed, or sells the seed within the state of Michigan.
  6. The number of restricted noxious weed seeds per pound, if any are present.
  7. For seed which is placed in preplanted containers, mats, tapes, or other planting devices in a way that makes it difficult to determine the quantity of seed, a statement to indicate the minimum number of each kind and variety of seeds in the container or device.

Label Requirements for Vegetable Seed Sold Outside its Original Container

The requirements for vegetable seed sold outside the original container are met if the seed is weighed from a properly labeled container in the presence of the purchaser. However, treated vegetable seed must be accompanied by the information required for treated seed.

Additional Label Requirements for Vegetable Seed That Has Been Treated

Seed that has been treated with an irritating or poisonous substance, harmful to humans or other vertebrate animals must be colored or dyed with a color contrasting with the natural color of the seed. The following information must appear on the label:

  1. A warning statement in 12-point or larger type that the seed has been treated.
  2. The common coined, chemical, or abbreviated chemical name of the substance applied to the seed.
  3. A caution statement in 12-point type as follows: "Treated seed-do not use for food, feed, or oil purposes."

    Furthermore, if the seed is treated, and the treatment is not irritating, poisonous, or harmful to humans or other vertebrate animals, the seed must be labeled with a statement, in 12-point or larger type, describing the applied substance.

Label Requirements for Vegetable Seed that Contains a Percentage of Hybrid Seed

In addition to the standard label requirements, when vegetable seed consists of less than 95% hybrid seed, the percent that is hybrid must be labeled parenthetically in direct association following the named variety, for example BOLERO (85% hybrid). Varieties that consist of less than 75% hybrid seed must not be labeled as hybrids.