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Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education

R 340.1701

MARSE R 340.1701 Assurance of compliance.

Rule 1.

  1. All public agencies in the state, as those agencies are defined in 34 CFR 300.33 (2019), shall comply with these rules and with all of the following, which these rules adopt by reference:
    1. All provisions of the state’s application for federal funds under part B and part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 USC 1411 to 1419 and 1431 to 1444.
    2. The requirements of part B and part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 USC 1411 to 1419 and 1431 to 1444.
    3. The regulations implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 USC 1400 et seq., 34 CFR Part 300 (2019) and 34 CFR Part 303 (2019).
  2. Copies of the adopted matter are available, at cost of reproduction, from the office of special education of the department at 1-888-320-8384. Copies of the adopted federal matter are available from the United States Government Publishing Office at
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