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Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education

R 340.1758

MARSE R 340.1758 Programs for students with autism spectrum disorder.

Rule 58.

Specific requirements for programs for students with autism spectrum disorder shall be provided using either of the following alternatives:

  1. Programs that consist of 1 classroom program for students with autism spectrum disorder shall not have more than 5 students and shall be served by a teacher of students with autism spectrum disorder. However, programs that consist of more than 1 classroom may have more than 5 students in a classroom, if the average student-to-teacher-and-aide ratio does not exceed 5 students to 1 teacher and 1 aide. A classroom with 3 or more students shall have 1 aide.
  2. A special education program described in an approved intermediate school district plan under R 340.1832(d) that assures the provision of educational programming for students with autism spectrum disorder.
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