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PHOTO RELEASE: MDARD Director Gary McDowell Visits Planted Detroit & Ruhlig Farms

LANSING, MI – Today, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) Director Gary McDowell toured Planted Detroit and Ruhlig Farms to meet with local companies helping to address food insecurities while bolstering economic development in urban areas of Michigan. Throughout 2022, McDowell is traveling across the state, meeting with food and agricultural businesses as they advance during Michigan's economic recovery and revitalization. 

"At MDARD, we're constantly encouraging innovation, creativity, and development across our robust food and agricultural industry," said Director McDowell. "Planted Detroit and Ruhlig Farms are outstanding examples of how our food and agriculture industry is adapting through innovation to meet the needs of Michiganders while helping address the ongoing food insecurities across our state.”

Planted Detroit is known for its vertical farming system, biosecurity measures, and controlled environmental agriculture. According to the company, after gathering a group of plant nerds, IT geeks, grocery gurus, and food lovers, Planted Detroit set out to grow fresh, nutritious greens all year long on Detroit's east side. They're located three miles from the city of Detroit to ensure they can get fresh food to areas with the most need.

Planet Detroit has gone from 11 to 61 jobs between 2018 to 2022. They are currently working on a third facility, a 100,000-square-foot greenhouse. When this new facility is up and running, it is estimated to bring an additional 100 jobs to the Detroit area.

Ruhlig Farms LLC was established in 1970 and is a fourth-generation farming family. They have been responsible for providing outstanding fresh produce, bedding plants, hanging baskets, and potted plants to the Detroit area for over 40 years. Ruhlig's operates on a strictly wholesale basis.

Throughout 2022, Director McDowell is meeting with Michigan's food and agricultural businesses to focus on how they can continue to thrive in Michigan's new economy and how best MDARD can assist their continuous development.

Director McDowell visits Planted Detroit and Ruhlig Farms

Director McDowell visits Planted Detroit and Ruhlig FarmsDirector McDowell visits Planted Detroit and Ruhlig Farms
