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Dairy Business Innovation Alliance Awards Grant Funds to Three Michigan Companies

Awardees include Protein Pints, Cream Cup Dairy & Semifreddo LLC

LANSING, Mich. - The Dairy Business Innovation Alliance (DBIA), a partnership between the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association and the Center for Dairy Research, announced 41 grants totaling nearly $4 million for farmstead operations and dairy processing businesses across the Midwest. Included in the 41 grant awardees are three Michigan companies.

"Michigan's dairy industry provides nutritious foods produced and processed locally while making a significant economic impact across our state," said MDARD Director Tim Boring. "These grant dollars will further these three dairy businesses by diversifying on-farm activity, creating value-added products, enhancing dairy by-products, and enhancing dairy export programs. As Michigan's dairy industry grows, diversifies, and embraces innovation, our industry becomes more resilient."

The following Michigan companies are amongst those awarded:

  • Protein Pints in Grand Rapids, MI for the expansion into popsicle novelties and athletic event catering
  • Cream Cup Dairy in Bear Lake, MI for the expansion of the hard ice cream line and sales reach
  • Semifreddo LLC in Hart, MI for the expansion into Burrata

The funds are awarded as part of DBIA s Dairy Business Builder grant program. This program aims to help support small- to medium-sized dairy businesses in diversifying on-farm activity, creating value-added products, enhancing dairy by-products, and creating or enhancing dairy export programs.

DBIA is funded by a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) award intended to drive dairy business innovation and make the industry more robust and resilient. As part of this award, the DBIA funds research projects to develop opportunities for converting dairy coproduct streams into commercially feasible value-added products. The DBIA region includes Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

DBIA will be launching another round of the Dairy Business Builder grant in February 2024. For more information on the grant opportunities and DBIA, visit their website.

