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Submitting a Program Application

State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH) are awarded to educators who participate in meetings, programs, professional learning opportunities, or District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) approved by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to be used for certificate renewal and progression. SCECH Program Applications for are submitted through the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS).

The following information will assist the coordinator and assistant coordinator in completion of a program application.

Submitting a Program Application


The coordinator and assistant coordinator have access to all the programs submitted under their specific sponsor. Any questions about SCECHs, may be directed to the MDE SCECH Program Administrator at or 517-241-4928. For more information on SCECHs and DPPD, visit the SCECH and DPPD webpage which includes an instructional video on submitting an application.