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Appendix A: Glossary

The following terms support understanding of the development and implementation process associated with State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH).

Term Definition
Application Number The first number assigned to a program when the application process begins in MOECS.
Assistant Coordinator An assistant to the coordinator who can submit programs to the coordinator and prepare the participant upload template but cannot submit programs directly to the Michigan Department of Education or upload participants.
Category The basic subject area the program covers.
Coordinator The person working for the sponsor in charge of all program input to MOECS.
DPPD District Provided Professional Development. DPPD taking place after July 1, 2020, must be entered as a SCECH program for educators to be able to use for recertification.
IACET International Association for Continuing Education and Training. The only CEU program that can be uploaded as SCECHs after program completion.
MOECS Michigan Online Educator Certification System. Houses educator certification/license information and the SCECH program process.
Offering One occurrence of the complete program. A program may have numerous offerings in various locations.
PIC Personnel Identification Code used for record reporting in MOECS and other applications.
Prerequisite Programs or courses required to be completed prior to participating in the program.
Program The professional learning offered as SCECHs for educators to use for certificate/license renewal.
Program Application The information about a program entered into MOECS to allow the process for educator information and awarding SCECHs in MOECS.
Program Number The number assigned to a program when the program application is approved by the Michigan Department of Education
Provider The entity planning and facilitating professional learning. This may or may not be the same as the sponsor.
Required Documentation The documentation required to be attached to the program application in MOECS for reference.
Restrictions Any audience limitations to a program such as specific district, school, grade level or subject matter.
SCECHs State Continuing Education Clock Hours. Credit associated with approved professional learning programs in Michigan to be used for recertification.
Sponsor A school, association, or educational entity approved to offer professional learning as SCECHs.