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State-funded drop boxes

Fully-funded absentee ballot drop boxes are now available to all municipalities in Michigan

Per the passage of Proposal 2022-02, the State of Michigan will provide at least one fully-funded drop box to each municipality in Michigan. 

Election administrators may select any model from one of the three absentee voter (AV) drop box vendors. All orders must be made using the Michigan Bureau of Elections (BOE) order form.


Drop box decals and graphics

State-funded ballot boxes will use a standard graphics design for uniform appearance. Jurisdictions are free to cover the default graphics provided with the drop box with their own design but should avoid covering any words on the boxes if they are only partially adding words or graphics to the standard design.

Graphics will be pre-applied to Kingsley and American Security Cabinets models. 

The following images show the general appearance of the graphics. The actual appearance may vary slightly on the final drop boxes.


American Security Cabinets (ASC) drop box models

ASC M400 drop box

American Security Cabinets 400

Style: Wall-mount (mounting hardware not included)
Dimensions: 12x8x22
Weight: 28 lbs.
Price: $995.00
Ballot capacity: 200

Order drop boxes
ASC M450 drop box

American Security Cabinets 450

Style: Pedestal
Dimensions: 15x10x29
Height: 37"
Weight: 47 lbs.
Price: $1,725.00
Ballot capacity: 500

Order drop boxes
ASC M500 drop box

American Security Cabinets 500

Style: Pedestal
Dimensions: 12x12x22
Weight: 35 lbs.
Price: $1,675.00
Ballot capacity: 350

Order drop boxes
ASC M610 drop box

American Security Cabinets 610

Style: Pedestal
Dimensions: 14.5 x 14.5 x 29
Weight: 58 lbs.
Price: $2,325.00
Ballot capacity: 750+

Order drop boxes
ASC M710 drop box

American Security Cabinets 710

Style: Box
Dimensions: 19 x 20.5 x 47
Weight: 100 lbs.
Price: $1,925.00
Ballot capacity: 1,600

Order drop boxes
ASC M710PC drop box

American Security Cabinets 710PC (INDOOR)

Style: Box (powder coated) For Indoor Use
Dimensions: 19 x 20.5 x 47
Weight: 100 lbs.
Price: $1,425.00
Ballot capacity: 1,600

Order drop boxes
ASC M810 drop box

American Security Cabinets 810

Style: Box
Dimensions: 24 x 24 x 52
Weight: 145 lbs.
Price: $2,625.00
Ballot capacity: 2,400

Order drop boxes
ASC M910 drop box

American Security Cabinets 910

Style: Box
Dimensions: 32 x 32 x 52
Weight: 200 lbs.
Price: $3,850.00
Ballot capacity: 5,500
Note: model M910 can be ordered with the access door in the front (under the drop slot), left, right, or rear of the box. Please note your choice in question 15 of the order form. For questions, contact us at

Order drop boxes

Kingsley drop box models

Kingsley 12 drop box

Kingsley 12-8151

Style: Thru-wall
Length: 19"
Width: 20"
Weight: 25 lbs.
Price: $2,845.00
Ballot capacity: Based on your receptacle.

Order drop boxes
Kingsley 62 drop box

Kingsley 62-0900

Style: Pedestal
Length: 24"
Width: 37"
Weight: 138 lbs.
Price: $2,597.00
Ballot capacity: Not specified by mfr.

Order drop boxes
Kinglsey 02 drop box

Kingsley 02-9832

Style: Box
Length: 29"
Width: 37"
Weight: 69 lbs.
Price: $3,964.00
Ballot capacity: 1,900

*The vendor is discontinuing this box when stock runs out

and replacing it with a slightly larger model # 02-9852-WHT

Order drop boxes

Kingsley 02-9852-WHT

Stye: Box
Dimensions: 30 3⁄16” W x 41 31⁄32” D x 53 1⁄8” H
Weight: 85 lbs.
Price: $4,009.00
Ballot capacity: 3,000
Number available: TBD, available after Jan 1*

*This box is identical to Kingsley 02-9832 except it is slightly larger. The
vendor is working on getting photos and a sample to BOE.

Laserfab drop box models

Laserfab drop box

Laserfab 2430

Style: Box
Length: 33"
Width: 24"
Weight: 450 lbs.
Price: $3,295.00
Ballot capacity: Not specified by mfr.
Note: BOE will order a standard graphics package on your request to match the other drop boxes. This package will be shipped separately.

Order drop boxes
Laserfab drop box

Laserfab 3630

Style: Box
Length: 36"
Width: 36"
Weight: 570 lbs.
Price: $3,595.00
Ballot capacity: Not specified by mfr.
Note: BOE will order a standard graphics package on your request to match the other drop boxes. This package will be shipped separately.

Order drop boxes

Drop box information

Detailed product specifications are included in the summary for each model. 

The only ballot transfer/collection boxes, transfer carts, or totes approved for use in transporting ballots are listed on the Approved Ballot Containers page.

The State of Michigan will only fund AV drop boxes that are ordered and authorized through the BOE Absentee Ballot Drop Box Order Form. Please do not order an AV drop box directly from the manufacturer’s website unless your municipality plans to cover the cost.  

Because of the low availability of boxes and short timeframes for meeting Proposal 2022-2’s requirements, do not purchase any additional drop boxes until after January 1, 2024.

Please note that the State of Michigan will not pay for or purchase any drop box accessories listed each manufacturer website. Your municipality may purchase additional drop boxes and accessories directly from the manufacturer at the rate provided under the vendor-state contract in 2024. 

Kingsley drop boxes will not be delivered prior to mid-to-late August 2023. Because they are built to order, Kingsley drop boxes require 10-12 weeks for processing and delivery. Municipalities in more remote areas of Michigan are advised that orders may not arrive for 3-4 months. 


Due to their weight, most drop boxes require a loading dock or forklift for delivery. The State of Michigan will arrange to have a liftgate service if your municipality does not have a loading dock or forklift for delivery. 

You may need to contract an additional service to help move the box once it is delivered. While many drop boxes can be moved with assistance from several people, some boxes are too heavy to lift without machinery. 

Please note that installation services are not provided by the manufacturer or the State of Michigan. If you need assistance installing the drop box, you may need to arrange support from your municipality or a licensed contractor. 

ASC and Kingsley drop boxes will be delivered with the standard graphics already applied. Decals will need to be applied to Laserfab drop boxes prior to installation. 



  • ASC models with stainless steel parts come with a lifetime warranty against rust-through. A 3-year warranty is provided for non-stainless parts (such as graphics) against normal wear and tear. When repairs are necessary, customers can order replacement parts directly through ASC. Model M710PC is powder-coated and for indoor use. If ordering model 910, please specify if you want the access door in the front, left side, or right side.

    Ballot Drop Boxes - American Security Cabinets (ASC)

    ASC has kiosk covers for their drop boxes. The covers are not state-funded and are purchased at the jurisdiction's expense. They include the cover and lock, have a lead time of 6~8 weeks, and freight is charged separately. When calling the company to order, let them know you are purchasing from the State of Michigan contract.

    Model 910 Kiosk Cover             $205.00

    Model 810 Kiosk Cover             $170.00

    Model 710 Kiosk Cover             $148.00

    Model 610 Kiosk Cover             $155.00

    Model 450 Kiosk Cover             $155.00

    Model 500 Kiosk Cover             $148.00

    Model 400 Kiosk Cover           $148.00

  • Kingsley provides a limited life-time warranty for all drop box models.

    Please note that Kingsley drop boxes are built to order. Deliveries may take up to 12 weeks or more, especially in more remote areas of Michigan.

    Ballot Drop Boxes - Kingsley

  • Laserfab’s drop boxes are not delivered with the standard graphics. Those who select a Laserfab model will receive a separate shipment from BOE with standard decals to apply to the drop box themselves. 

    All Laserfab drop box exterior parts are made using thick steel and are fully welded. As a result, their boxes are very heavy (450 – 570 lbs.). If you order a Laserfab model, it is strongly advised that you arrange to have machinery (forklift, pallet jack, etc.) on site to move the box after it is delivered. 

    Laserfab does not provide a warranty for any of its parts. 

    The company provides instructions for installation and a template for placing concrete anchor bolts to line up with the box feet.

    Please note that Laserfab Model VA-2430 is identical to VA-3630 but is 24"; instead of 36".

    Elections Ballot Box (

Contact us


If you still have questions about the products or ordering after reading this entire page, including the product and vendor information sections above, please contact us at To ensure your question is properly routed, start the email subject line with: AV drop box.