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Campaign finance filing dates

Campaign finance filing dates

Committees registered under the Michigan Campaign Finance Act (MCFA) are subject to the filing requirements pursuant to MCL 169.232, 169.233, 169.234, and 169.235. The Bureau of Elections calculates the filing dates for campaign statements and immediate disclosure reports yearly and publishes those dates.

The campaign finance filing dates are published in printer friendly PDFs that provide the dates of campaign statements and immediate disclosure reports owed by all committee types through the year. Not all statements and reports listed in the document are owed by all committee types; therefore, each committee must use the Campaign Finance Statement Logic section at the end of the document as it outlines what statements are owed by each committee type.

2024-2025 Campaign finance filing dates

2022-2023 Campaign finance filing dates

  • The following political parties are currently qualified to appear on the ballot, therefore have ballot access: 
    • Democratic Party
    • Republican Party
    • Libertarian Party
    • US Taxpayers Party
    • Green Party
    • Natural Law Party
    • Working Class Party
  • An Annual Campaign Statement is not required of:
    • A committee that files a Post-Election Campaign Statement during December;
    • A PAC registered on the state level (note the January Quarterly must be filed by state level PACs;
    • An incumbent Judge or Justice; or
    • An officeholder whose salary is less than $100.00 a month and whose committee has had no activity (receipts or expenditures) during the period covered by the Annual Campaign Statement.
  • An election includes a primary, general, special, millage or recall election held in this state or a convention or caucus of a political party held in this state to nominate a candidate.
    A Political Party Convention or Caucus is an election therefore Pre- and Post-Election Campaign Statements must be filed for committees that participate in a convention. The dates for conventions during even years are included to the extent that they are known by this office.

    If a committee participates in an election which is not documented in the filing schedules listed previously, election-based filings are calculated as follows:
    Statement/Report Close of Books/Filing Period Due
    Pre-Election 16 days before the election date 11 days before the election date
    Special Election Independent Expenditure reports Period begins 45 days before a special election and ends the 3rd day before the election 48 hours after independent expenditure
    48 Hour/Late Contribution reports Period begins the day after the close of books for the Pre-Election Campaign Statement and ends the 3rd day before the election 48 hours after receipt
    24 HR (Caucus Only) Period begins 14 days before an election and ends the day after the election 24 hours after receipt/expenditure
    Post-Election 20 days following the election date 30 days following the election date


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