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Information About the Independent/Political PAC Summary Page Download

The Bureau of Elections is pleased to provide the CFR Independent/Political PAC Summary Page Download file.  The file contains all of the Summary Page data in our system in one convenient download.  The download is updated each day with new committee summary page data.  The file is in a comma separated value (CSV) format and can be easily up-loaded into  programs such as Microsoft Excel or Access.

The data consists of all of the electronically filed summary page data including amendments.  It also includes original paper reports that have been filed and key entered.  While all of the electronically filed data is available, not all of the data for the paper reports is represented in the file.  As reports are keyed entered, they are added to the file.

The file layout describing the data fields is provided in the following table.

Field Name Field Description
Date Filed Date the Campaign Statement was received by the Michigan Bureau of Elections.
Committee ID Unique ID# of each committee provided by the Michigan Bureau of Elections.
Document Sequence Unique identifier given to each document filed with the Michigan Bureau of Elections
Run Date Date report has been run (This field can be removed)
Run Time Time report has been run (This field can be removed)
Committee Type Code provided to identify the committee type receiving contributions. (IND = Independent Committee) (POL = Political Committee)
Committee Name Name of the committee receiving the contribution
Statement Year The calendar year that this statement was required by the Bureau
Report Type The type of statement that this contribution attached to
Report Covers From Starting date of reporting period
Report Covers To Ending date of reporting period
Total Contribution/Other Receipts This Period Total Contribution/Other reported as received for the period covered by the report/campaign statement
Total Contribution/Other Receipts Cumulative This Cycle Total Contribution/Other Receipts reported as received as the cumulative for the election cycle
In-Kind Contributions This Period In-Kind Contributions reported as received for the period covered by the report/campaign statement
In-Kind Contributions Cumulative This Cycle In-Kind Contributions reported as received as the cumulative for the election cycle
In-Kind Expenditures This Period In-Kind Expenditures reported as received for the period covered by the report/campaign statement
In-Kind Expenditures Cumulative This Cycle In-Kind Expenditures reported as received as the cumulative for the election cycle
Total Expenditures This Period Total Expenditures reported as received for the period covered by the report/campaign statement
Total Expenditures Cumulative This Cycle

Total Expenditures reported as received as the cumulative for the election cycle

Debts and Obligations Owed By Committee Grand total of debts owed by the committee at the closing date of the campaign statement filed by the committee
Debts and Obligations Owed To Committee Grand total of debts owed to the committee at the closing date of the campaign statement filed by the committee
Ending Balance of Last Report Filed Ending cash balance reported of the previous report/campaign statement filed by the committee
Ending Balance of This Report Ending cash balance reported for this report/campaign statement

Independent/Political PAC Summary Page Download